
69 3 4

"We're so close but yet so far...."

"It's fine we can do this!"


"Okay, our team got in, how are you 2 doing?"

"We're doing fine, the director left to go outside, why did you guys blow up a car?!"

"Cause we wanted to, nah it was for a distraction idiot!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, we're gonna get this place in lockdown in a few minutes, meet you at the back."


Team a then sneak to the bathroom and change their clothes a bit, putting on there mask, and heading out with guns in there hands.

"Hey reception lady!"

The lady looks up in shock to see a gun way to close to her head.

"My good friend over there will kill everyone here if you don't close the bank up, okay?"

The woman looks scared to death as she turn a key that closes the bank up.

"Hey! What are you doing! Stop closing the bank up-"

"God can I shoot him Han?"

"No not yet, we can't let the police know yet, they need to fix up the small hole they made in the back first."

"Ugh fine, they better hurry up though"


"Hmm, do you think the police won't be able to come in?"

Team b looks at the home they refilled with the same material used for the bank.

"Erm, that seems good enough, go on and tell team a to proceed"

"Kay, you hear that Ode?"

"Yep, proceeding with the plan now"

There was then a lot of gunfire in the distance after, as well as a lot of screaming coming along.

"Perfect, everything's going to plan, now Jungsu go and give the jumpsuits to the 2 while we go and collect hostages."

"Mkay boss."

"Okay let's go."

Team a and b then regroup as one, getting changed and grouping up the hostages in the big building. Once that was sorted out, they did the next bit of the mission, getting the money.

"Okay is that all the hostages?"

"Yep, me and Gaon searched the area again and none were left."

"Good, now how many are there again Joon?"

"There are 24 hostages with us Gunil." 

"Not many but enough I guess....now, let's go do the big speech, you go speak Gaon."

"Aish why me? I don't wanna!"

"Well you have to, teamwork here!"

"Kay Kay fine..."


"Hello everyone, we want to make this quick and simple, all you have to do is co-operate with us and you'll make it out alive, you all understand?"

The crowd just nod, leaving the robbers satisfied.

"Good good, now, I want you all go to the safe at the back and follow whoever is there with you, if not you'll end up dead in this building, understand?"

The crowd nod again, then Jungsu and Ode split the crowd up, taking half to the back of the bank, while the rest stay there.

"Now since they are gone, all you guys need to do is rest up, cause after this you'll be working just as hard as the other group are"

After Gaon's amazing speech, they all go to different locations, making sure no one is let loose and end up calling the police a bit to early.

"Wow you did such an amazing speech Gaon~"

"Yeah be jealous Joon-"

"Nah Junhan is the jealous one here not me!"

"Nuh uh! Shut your mouth or else you'll become one with the hostages."

"As if you can beat my ass"

"Shut up stupid"


"Okay, all we want you to do is print out a bunch of money, cut the sheets and put it in the bag, okay? If not you'll all die and rot here."

As soon as Jungsu was done, the machine was turned on and everyone got to work, making sure everything went the 2's way.

"Gosh this is to boring hyung, can we swap with the others?"

"No not yet, just wait a little bit more"

"Your so boring, fine~"

"Yeah whatever, now go around and make sure they are all doing the job."

"Yes sir."



"Yes Hello, I'm head to report something going on in KB bank, it seems the doors are all shut and no one can open them."

"I see, I'll get some officers there in a few minutes, if anything happens report to the officers as soon as they get there."

"Thank you officer, I'll make sure to keep an eye on the bank for a bit."

"My pleasure"



Sorry for late late update T-T, school started and I haven't had the right time to write, also sorry for the short chapter, when I have enough time I'll write more, anyway enough of that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter !


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