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"Woah they looked scared shitless-"

"Cause they're in a near death experience stupid"


"Guys! Is dinner ready?"

After Gunil's and Jooyeon's little jog, they both washed up while Jungsu was cooking food and the others were helping around.

"Yeah! Hurry up so it doesn't get cold Yeon!"


They all sit around the dinner table, eating there dinner like a family even though they gonna rob a bank in 2 weeks time.

"Yo this shit good!"


"Calm down mama bear-"

"Shut your gob you goofy ass b-"

"You know I got sources that can help us out in our mission."

"Ooo, who? Go on tell Gaon!"

"Erm, I think it was Jihoon hyung, you know? The one who works in the cafe down the street."

"Dam fool, how did you get connections so fast? I swear he isn't much of a talker as well!"

"That's what I though but I guess since we kinda knew each other ever since Sana noona introduced me to him, we got along and he told me he knew a few people who can help us escape and shit!"


"Alright paps- anyway I guess that's kinda great news except the fact that he probably could put us to the police!"

"Calm down he be out hear doing all kinds of stuff as well! If he snitches he gets stitches in jail."

"Dam, you never told me bout him being a criminal"

"Times changed mkay"

"Okay boo, now eat"


They all clean up before heading to there bedrooms.

"Ode! Did you steal my blanket?!"

"No! Go ask Gunil, he might have it"

"Why the fuck does he have it?"

"Bro I don't know?! Go ask him!"

Junhan goes storming off to find his stolen blanket, while that happens, a little bickering goes on with the remaining 4.

"But I want to room with Jungsu hyung just for tonight! I can't stand Gaon's snoring! Even Ode has to change rooms!"

"Look I'm just a heavy breather!"

"And you think I can stand his snoring?-"

"You have those noise canceling headphones, use them to cancel out his snores!"

𝚃𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙼𝙴 || 𝚇𝙷 / 𝚇𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚁𝚈 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙾𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now