The Birth of the King and Queen

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Long, long ago before humans, before technology, before pollution, before even dinosaurs, the world was a very different place...ruled by giant monsters named Titans. These humongous creatures fed on the natural radiation from the planet. But they were not simple or mindless. They were as if not more intelligent than humans and were the first to create civilizations and laws. They didn't deal with human issues such as discrimination or borders, they had already sorted that out long ago. And with a simple monarchy as their main government. But then it all changed.

On what will one day become Japan a large peninsula flowed into a thick tropical area and a large cave Inside the cave was an adult female Gojira named Joosuma. She was dark black, with jagged dorsal plates on her hack and a long narrow snout, long arms with 4 fingers tipped with 4 sharp claws a large body covered in thick scales, long slender legs, and a long reptilian tail wrapped around a light blue egg. "Honey, it's time!" She yelled out. Suddenly out of the water emerged another Gojira. This one was a bit taller he had a squared head with small yellow eyes, thick charcoal-black skin with hints of green, an appearance similar to rock, large muscular arms, long elephant-like legs, large maple-shaped dorsal plates, and a long tail, his name is "Dagon" he yelled.

"Really?! I'm coming!"
Dagon walked out of the water and walked towards the cave. He entered and saw  Joosuma was at the back looking down at the egg. Dagon approached slowly and looked down. The egg shook and rattled from the young one inside.
"Come on little one." Said Dagon.

The egg suddenly cracked and out emerged a small snout, then legs, arms, and a tail poked out breaking the eggshell. He looked a lot like Dagon, but his eyes were a red/yellow-orange color and his dorsal plates were more jagged. He yawned as he stared at his parents. Dagon looked down and smiled "He seems like he will grow to be a powerful fighter. Perhaps he will serve as an enforcer." Dagon said the truth. He sensed something in his son. Like some form of strong power that even he didn't understand.

"You can tell that much? He has just been born." Joosuma chuckled.

"I have an eye for these things," Dagon smirked.

"If he is a mighty warrior as you claim, he is deserving of a name worthy of him."

"I have one in my mind." He looked back at his son and smiled as he pressed his about against his.
"You are "Godzilla."

"God what?" A younger-sounding voice answered from the entrance of the cave, another Gojira. This one was bigger than Godzilla, but a lot smaller than Dagon and Joosuma; it was their first child named "Reo." A smaller Gojira followed. This one was a female named "Yua."

"kids, this is your baby brother, Godzilla."

Reo approached Godzilla and looked at him for a while and said "He looks so small and pathetic and gave Godzilla a light kick. Godzilla squealed. "

Reo is careful. He's just a baby," said Joosuma.

"Whatever," said Reo while his sister hugged Godzilla.

"He's so cute!"

Just Southeast of there, across a large inland sea, another parent was preparing for her offspring's birth. A large colorful moth titan called a Divine Moth was in her silk nest with an egg. Her name is "Aiyara" She has light green eyes, brown fur covering her body, 4 long claw-like arms and two back feet with toes, and large blue, black, and yellow wings. She was in deep thought when suddenly she heard a crack and saw her egg hatching. "It's finally time." The egg cracked open and out came a light brown larva with blue eyes and small hook-like claws. The larva chirped happily at the sight of her mother. Aiya smiled (somehow?) And nuzzled her child and said "You will be known as "Mothra."

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