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After the defeat of Shinumora, Godzilla went back to sleep for several more years. He still wasn't ready to deal with the world again.

Meanwhile, something lay in a cave in the Philippines. It may seem unfamiliar but we know it very well. It belongs to none other than Dragon. His bones lay in the same cave he came to die all those years ago. The two eggs that were planted, began to stir. One of them opened. A black larva crawled out. This was a Muto larva; a male. It slithered the long and slimy body of the egg. He observed his surroundings, the cave was dark, dry, and spacious. It gazed down at the huge skeleton. He had been feeding on it for years, but he was hungry once again. He used his small claws to dig himself out of the cave. After a while, he emerged into the outside world. His eyes (or whatever they are) opened and strained as they adjusted to the bright light of the sun. The Muto however didn't have time to ponder. In this form, he was in critical danger. It looked for any signs of danger. To his relief, he found nothing. All that surrounded him were trees and mountains. He needed to find something to feed on, and to cocoon. It slowly and sluggishly dragged itself, using its claws to push itself forward. It crushed trees and anything else unfortunate enough to get in its way. Eventually, he found water. He scurried across the beach and went into the deep depths of the ocean. He sensed an energy source, he began swimming straight toward it.

Years later, the Muto lay inside a cocoon. After he went into the ocean to find the energy source, he arrived at a power plant. He instantly used one of his powers, an electromagnetic pulse. It instantly knocked out all of the lights and electricity in the area; rendering the humans defenseless. He wasted no time and fed on the reactors. Eventually, he formed a cacoon-like state. For years he grew, and as he grew his body changed. As he spent time there, he decided to name himself, Hokumuto, that would be his name. Whilst in there, he detected the presence of another like, far away. But it also felt different. Having nothing else to do, he decided to let out a call. "Hey, are you a Muto too?"

"Yes, I am." He was surprised by the reply. It sounded higher-pitched, softer. It was a female.

"W-what's your name?"


"Femuto"? That sounds like a nice name."

"T-thank you!"


"It's a pleasure to meet you. So where are you?"

"I'm in a place with radiation, and I'm in my cocoon."

Really? I am too."

", do want up once we're out?" Hokumuto asked with a blush, or at least the closest thing his face could create.

"S-sure. Sounds great."

Several Years Later...

Godzilla was still sleeping when he detected a presence...a presence that he felt long ago..he was not happy about it. "Goji, what's wrong?" He heard the familiar voice of his queen again.

"I...I think...I detected...a Muto."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes. But...this one feels...familiar."

"Well, you are familiar with Mutos."

"No. I mean, I feel like I encountered this particular individual once before."

"Oh..." Mothra stayed silent.

"I go deal with it."

"Careful, Goji..."

"Don't worry, my queen. I faced plenty of Mutos before."

"Yes but that was when you were active and younger. You are a little out of practice, now."

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