Time To Initiate Plan B

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Dakota sat with Zoey anxiously waiting for someone to talk when Will came running in panting

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Dakota sat with Zoey anxiously waiting for someone to talk when Will came running in panting

"What's wrong?"

"It's Hopper, he's in trouble" he said and the two girls looked at each other. They quickly got Mike and Joyce. Something in Mike clicked and he ran to the kitchen and pointed to a drawing

"Hey, is this where you saw him? Is this where you saw Hopper?" he asked and Will nodded

"I think so. Yeah."

"Okay, so... so Hopper is here? Where is here?" Dakota asked not understanding where the drawing was

"Did he say anything? I mean, before he left?"

"Uh, some... something about vines?" Joyce said and a car pulled up. Dakota rushed to the window hoping it was her dad but instead it was Bob, Joyce's boyfriend. Joyce went outside to greet him while Dakota and Zoey looked out the window.

"Surprise. I would've called, but you said not to clog up the line."

"You know, I... We're fine, we don't need anything." Joyce said trying her best to get him to leave.

"When I was sick as a kid, and I was sick all the time as a kid, nothing made me feel better than
focusing on these brain teasers."

"Those are great."

"I could teach him how to play."

"You know, he's sleeping." Joyce lied and Bob gave a sad smile

"Okay. I could wait with you?"

"Listen, it's just not a good time. But, um, you know what? I'll call you, okay? Thank you."

"You sure?"

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