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"What? Oh, I'm sorry." Kazuha blinks in your direction, pulled from the deep trance the bonsai seems to have put him under. "What were you saying?"

You huff. "Geez, you were like a million miles away. I was telling you that the others have left already to go start dinner and wanted to know if you were going to join us."

"Oh, um, no. I'm not hungry."

You feel your breath hitch at the sadness in his eyes then you soften. "Do you want to talk about what happened in the mirage?"

He lowers his gaze and shakes his head. "I appreciate your concern, but I promise..." Looking back up at you he fakes a smile. "...I'm fine. Really."

Your eyebrow arches with disbelief. "Alright, whatever you say. Just know that I'm here for you if you need a friendly ear. Okay?" You nudge his shoulder.

He chuckles. "Right, I know that."

A small zip of electricity rushes through your stomach from his boyish laugh. You clear your throat. "Yeah, well...anyway I'm starving." The smell of grilled fish wafts in your direction from the camp where Xinyan is cooking. "See ya later?" You look back over your shoulder, but Kazuha is staring at the rock formation again, lost in thought. Your shoulders slump as you walk dejectedly away from the tiny island where the mirage had appeared.

Kazuha had always been secretive. You knew that, so why in this moment are you so disappointed? He had never confided in you before, so why would he now?

"Hey (y/n) over here! Got some grub for ya!" Xinyan waves ecstatically as you approach camp. Ever since joining the crew of the Crux, she had been your best friend. She took to you immediately when you agreed that rock and roll was the best form of music. You would often help her write new songs long into the night, with nothing but the expanse of stars overhead, the scent of salt in the air, and the sound of ocean waves as they lapped against the boat.

When Beidou picked up Kazuha, an aimless wanderer from Inazuma, you were instantly drawn to his stoic, but handsome features. Xinyan, never missing a beat, picked up on your infatuation and began to play matchmaker, a pastime that drove you insane. Kazuha clearly wasn't interested, so why was she trying so hard?

"He'll come around. Mark my words." She punched you in the arm one evening after most of the crew had gone to sleep and you were once again left alone on the deck to write song lyrics. "After this newest song, how could he not? It's clearly about him right?" Xinyan smirked.

"What? No! It's just a love song. Could be about anyone." You jerk your head away from her prying gaze, cheeks on fire from embarrassment.

"Uh, huh...suuure."

"Stop teasing me. It's not like that between Kazuha and me. We're just friends."

The memory of that night fades as you stare into the fire, chewing your fish slowly. (Friends. Yeah, that's all we are.)

"Dang, (y/n) what's got you so down in the mouth? You and Kazuha havin' a lovers' spat?"

"Lovers?" Mona perks up, grateful for a change of subject from whatever mindless drivel Fischl had been spewing.

"We're not lovers." Your cheeks flush. Hopefully the others will think they're just red from the heat of fire.

"Oh poo, and here I thought we were going to be in for some juicy drama." Mona crosses her arms.

"Sorry to disappoint you."

"Who's disappointed?" You sit up straight like a flash as you hear Kazuha approach, heart pounding in your chest. (Oh god, did he hear any of that? How embarrassing.) You groan to yourself.

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