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You and Paimon were relaxing in your teapot, sitting on the couch and cuddling eachother near the fireplace. You suddenly started to think of your brother, and archons do you hate it when that topic crosses your mind. Wanting to distract yourself, you went to the kitchen to grab something to drink. To your dissapointment, there wasn't anything left. Luckily, you set your teapot in the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius and Diluc's tavern was bearable enough to go to. Cat's tail is nearer but you strongly prefer the drinks and atmosphere at Angel's Share, plus they're open for longer hours.

"Paimon, I'll be heading out for a drink, anything you want?" "Sticky Honey Roast please!" "Got it, I won't be gone for long, see ya later."

Paimon gave you a smile and a lazy wave as you exited the teapot.

As per usual, you felt a bit dizzy when you came back to Teyvat, lightly struggling to keep your balance. Exiting the room, you saw two familiar figures.

"Jean! And adorable Klee! Good evening to both of you." You said as you kneeled down, opening your arms for Klee. "Good evening to you as well." Jean greeted.

The spark knight let go of Jean's hand and ran up to hug you tight and gestured you to pat her head. "I assume Jean is taking you to solitary confinment again...... Be careful next time, and sweet dreams." "I will try for you Honorary Knight!" She looked up at you and wore a bright smile.

"I'll be going now, behave Klee."

As you stepped out the headquarters, you stretched your arms and embraced the cool breeze. You looked up to the moon and admired its beauty while on your way to the tavern, being careful not to trip on any stairs. It's quite nice but eerie to see the city so quiet.

Opening the door to the tavern, you expect to see loads of drunkards everywhere, planning to order then run because of their irritating presence. Fortunately for you, it was empty this time. And even more surprising is the fact Diluc was there. "Diluc? That's quite a rare sight. How is the tavern so empty?" "Cat's tail offered a large discount with an event, so we got less customers today."

"Ah, that's unfortunate. But hey at least I'm here." Diluc smiled and shrugged. "I'll just have a love poem." "Coming right up." You could've gone for some alcohol but you promised Paimon to come back soon, if you were drunk you'd take a whole day to come back.

Diluc really lives up to his reputation as he was swift and efficient when making drinks. You gave him your thanks and took the drink to the second floor to think. Questions filled your head.

"Why did he lead the abyss order?"
"What did he mean back then?"
"What was his relationship with Dain?"
"What happened all those years ago?"

The voice inside your head was interrupted by the sound of a door opening. "Welcome to Angel's share, what can I get for you?" Curiously, you lean on the railing peaking downstairs. "Kazuha? What are you doing here?" He looked up at you in surprise. "Heh, I knew our paths would cross sooner or later. Nice to see you after a while, dear traveler." He looked back at Diluc and took a seat in front of the counter. "A cool, fruity cocktail please."

"It seems you're a friend of the traveler, when did you meet?" Diluc inquired. "We met when she was trying to go to Inazuma, I was able to watch her in battle and her combat abilities are very admirable." "Hey Diluc, did you know he was able to block an attack from the Shogunate and lit up two visions at the same time?" You bragged as a sort of payback.

"That's certainly something I've never heard of before. A feat like that should be as well known as some of yours, traveler. It's an honor to meet you sir." Diluc greeted. "Traveler, you didn't have to bring that up. I'm just some wanderer, going wherever the wind takes me, there is absolutely no need for formalities."

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