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The crack of fireworks whistled in the distance, lighting up the otherwise calm night sky in anticipation for the festival that was to begin shortly. A sweet summer breeze that floated in through the window caressed your cheek oh so lovingly. Its beckoning call served as a silent reminder that your loving boyfriend would be arriving soon to take you on a lovely night outing.

Shikanoin Heizou had struck you as a unique character from the moment you first laid eyes on him so long ago. When you had met him in the flesh at a Naganohara fireworks display seasons past, you would never have imagined that the famed Tenryou Commission's prodigy detective was so charming . If you had told your past self that you were currently preparing to attend a festival with the beautiful detective as his long-term partner, then you would've laughed at such an outlandish statement with your gaze averted and ears prickling as if they were going to burn.

A gentle smile etched itself onto your face as memories of stolen kisses and restless nights flooded your mind. You mindlessly played with your yukata's sleeve when you heard whistling from the front porch.

"Oh, honey , I'm home!" Heizou chirped as he bumped the front door open with his hip. Hearing the sweet singsong of his voice made you feel at ease. You didn't have to be in the living room to know that he'd kicked the door closed with his foot because his hands were full of groceries. He had mentioned earlier, before leaving your home, that he would go out and run some errands for you while you finished getting ready to leave the house. After all, he had been so eager to take you to the festival commemorating the end of the Sakoku and Vision Hunt Decrees. It hadn't taken him very long to slip into an earth-toned yukata with a black trim and sandals before heading out the door. Heizou had half a mind to adjust the obi slightly below his waist to ensure he didn't flash everyone he came across. With a uniform as... peculiar his, who wouldn't itch at the opportunity to change into something more comfortable after leaving work?

Fortunately you were just about done fastening your obi when Heizou stood at your door frame, leaning against it. He glanced at you and whistled as he came to stand behind you.

"Here... let me get that for you." He replaced the hands that were smoothing over and tying knots with his own, his deft fingers adjusting the knot and the obi to your comfort. As he did so, you couldn't help but admire the sight of you both in the mirror; merlot wisps of his hair contrasted so beautifully with his yukata, and his garment, in turn, paled against the dark blue one you donned. You tilted your head back into his shoulder, eyelids fluttering shut and lips quivering up into a smile at how gently he held you.

"Is it loose enough for breathing room?" Heizou asked as he stuck his fingers beneath the obi to ensure it would not fall out of place.

"Yes, it's perfect, my love. Thank you," you replied, twisting a bit in his hold to ensure the yukata was snugly adjusted.

"Of course, baby. You know I'd do anything for you," he mused as he leaned in closer to you, his grip around your waist tightening slightly as he shifted his body weight forward. Heizou's thumbs smoothed at the fabric that had bunched up around it.

"I'd do anything at all ," he whispered. A fleeting kiss was planted on your left cheek, and you couldn't help but laugh because the breeze that floated in through the window earlier had landed on said cheek as well.

"You're so good to me, Heizou. I'm beyond lucky to be able to call you mine," you chirped, forehead rested against his own.

"You can't possibly be luckier to call me yours than I am lucky to call you mine, sweetheart. I want to show you off to the world so that they all know just how blessed I am by the Gods. Whenever you're ready, by the way, we can head out. The night is young, after all, and there is so much for us to see and do!"

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