Chapter 2

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Vegas abruptly turned to Kinn. 'I am not doing this. I won't do this. Find someone else,' he spoke harshly.

'I refuse,' Vegas slammed the door behind him. He couldn't for a second believe he just saw that man. He was so pissed he didn't know what to do with himself.

It's been at least five years since Vegas started working at this hospital and since didn't like most of the people here, he tended to isolate himself from everyone. Thus he knew places in this building no one else knew.

Vegas needed fresh air or something. He physically couldn't handle seeing Pete and quite frankly he didn't understand why he felt this way.

Vegas wasn't always like this. In fact, there was a time when he was much kinder and more social. But after his first long term relationship ended, he was never the same.

Cheating and being disloyal were qualities Vegas despised the most. He hated people who played him and mistook him for a fool; but that was exactly what his ex had done. The man Vegas opened up to, the person he trusted the most, loved the most, broke him.

After he caught his ex in bed with a women, his whole life had changed. At first, he blamed himself; he kept telling himself that is was his fault that he got cheated on because he was always so busy studying that he never had enough time for anyone else.

But shortly after, he realized this wasn't the case at all. Maybe his career did influence their relationship, but he refused to beat himself up over someone else's poor decisions. Vegas vowed to never let anyone treat him like a fool again.

Funnily enough, Vegas had actually seen his ex after they broke up that too with his new partner. They stood in the que in front of him, holding each other and occasionally making out while they waited for their coffee. Vegas always imagined this day would come. He tried his best to mentally prepare for it. But, in that instance, all that planning and preparation was in vain. The hatred he developed for his ex resulted in him being absolutely unphased when he saw them. He just didn't care anymore.

As he sprinted up the stairs, Vegas found himself distracted by his thoughts. He even paused a moment in order to bring himself into focus.

Vegas was thinking about his ex, but it wasn't because he missed him. No. Not at all. Vegas couldn't fathom why seeing Pete had invoked such strong emotions, when he compared it to his first romantic relationship. Surely, he'd have stronger feelings associated with someone he once loved, than someone he slept with once? But that was not the case at all.

Pete. Pete. Pete. The name kept ringing in his mind. He was losing it. All he could see and hear was Pete.

When Vegas made it to the roof top, he slammed his fists on the wall and let out a loud yell into the open. That always helped him blow off steam.

Vegas slid against the wall until he found himself crouching on the floor. He held his head in his hands, breathing deeply as he tried to calm his racing heart.

He closed his eyes and hadn't even realized that he started tearing up.

"Vegas," he heard someone say.

"How did he find me?" Vegas thought to himself before looking up.

I Didn't Know You'd be the One to Save Me - VegasPeteWhere stories live. Discover now