Chapter 25

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Vegas felt him rage build up and even though he just lashed out and was feeling so guilty about it, the anger didn't seem to subside.

He looked back at Pete who seemed to have his head down. Once again, it appeared close on impossible to try and understand what Pete was thinking. Did Vegas leave Pete, did he want to say something? What was going on?

"Vegas," Pete said in a low tone as he picked his head up slowly and walked in Vegas' direction. Naturally, just Pete approaching him was enough for him to become uneasy and jittery, yet Pete seemed so calm.

In a state of panic, he spoke, "I'm leaving."

"Vegas, please..." Pete spoke again causing him to stand dead in his tracks.

Pete placed his hand on Vegas' shoulder but he refused to turn and what his expression. He knew the instant he saw Pete he would have lost it and done something stupid like hugged him or kissed him and told him not to leave him forever.

"I'm trying so much, Vegas," Pete spoke in a broken voice. "I just don't know what to do."

"What?" Vegas spoke, turning around, confused at Pete's sudden confession. "Trying to do what?"

"Please forgive me, Vegas. I know you're mad at me for leaving that day-"

And now Vegas had reached his limit, "Do you really think I waited for you? It was a one time thing, get over yourself. I'm not mad. I just never want to see your face again." He lied. He knew he was lying really badly too. He knew Pete wouldn't take this bullshit. And even though those words were not anywhere near what he actually felt, Vegas really hoped Pete would see right through him. There was no denying that Vegas loved Pete, so so much that it physically hurt every time he thought back about that day and every time he saw Pete.

"I'm trying so hard to make it up to you, Vegas. I'm being nice to you. I am trying to show you that I am really sorry for leaving you, I don't know what I was thinking. Please, Vegas, please forgive me."

It broke his heart to hear Pete plead the way he did and Vegas saw how sincere he was being with his feelings. And even though he wanted to give in more than anything else, he was still so unsure if history would repeat itself and he would be disregarded again. Vegas chose to be selfish. He wanted Pete to know how he felt and how deep that night actually cut. He needed to be reassured that Pete would stay by his side forever. He couldn't stand being without Pete ever again.

"Pete," he spoke in a soft and low tone which caused the other to look up at him, his eyes glistening from the tears that had begun forming, but somehow looked so hopeful.

Vegas couldn't even believe it himself, but he knew it was for the best. He looked the other directly in the eye and spoke. "Pete, I fell in love with you that night. But you hurt me so much by leaving. And even though I don't think I can live without you, I rather try my best to than ever go through that disappointment again."

And with that he turned around and walked out the room and for the first time in three months, he felt completely numb. No feelings of desire. No feelings of regret. Nothing. He felt empty but light. As if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

I Didn't Know You'd be the One to Save Me - VegasPeteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя