Chapter 19

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Vegas and Pete didn't bother to separate their hands on their walk back to the hotel. In fact, they didn't even say much to each other as they walked. To Vegas, just being around Pete even in silence made him content.

They repeated the same path again, but this time it felt like the last time they were going to see each other. They headed up the elevator, and down the hallway until the reached Pete's room. They both stood and looked at each other, hesitating to let go of each other's hands.

"I guess this is me," Pete said, looking at the door.

"Yeah," Vegas said focusing his gaze on the floor.

"Is your room very far from here?" he asked.

Vegas shook his head. "It's the on the fifth floor, room 512. It's not very far..."

After another few moments of silence, Pete finally spoke up. "Good night, Vegas," he said releasing his grip. "Sleep well." Hesitantly, Pete turned around and unlocked his door and took a step in. "Goodbye, Vegas," he repeated waving his hand.

The door closed and Vegas felt lost now that he didn't have Pete by his side. He used his hand to caress the hand Pete had just let go off. How he wished this fake relationship hadn't ended.

Vegas knew better than to bother Pete any longer and so made his way back to his room, bidding farewell to someone he liked so much but knew he'd never seen again.

He groaned as he fell back onto the bed; it'd been a long day and he hadn't realized how drained he was until now. Vegas decided to go and take another shower, remove Pete's clothes, before heading to bed. He didn't have any plans for the next few days, but he figured while he was on vacation he might as well catch up on his sleep.

Vegas laid in bed, tossing and turning unable to get Pete out of his head. Honestly, he wanted to tell Pete that he liked him, that he wanted to be with him, but he knew better than to make someone who was just a stranger to him uncomfortable and feel burdened with his feelings.

There was a knock on the door causing Vegas to sit up instantly. He wondered who it was. Was it room service or one of the other doctors? But should could possibly need him at 1am?

Vegas opened the door, yawning widely. "How can I help you?" he asked before opened his eyes properly.

He felt someone up against his chest; their arms were around his waist. Vegas looked down. "Pete?"

The other male looked up at him. "Can I stay over? Just for tonight?" Pete asked very quietly. Vegas was kind of relieved when he saw Pete again. Fuck he wanted to hug him and never let go.

Vegas nodded before holding onto Pete's chin and pulling him in for a kiss. "Let's go and get some rest now okay? It's already so late..."

He linked their hands as he headed to the bed. Vegas and Pete laid beside each other, both staring at the ceiling.

I Didn't Know You'd be the One to Save Me - VegasPeteWhere stories live. Discover now