Chapter 26

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Vegas had left the hospital in the early parts of the next morning after his shift had ended. The rest of the night went by very quickly and despite his failed resuscitation attempt, uncharacteristically, he found himself being positive and social.

He knew it would be impossible to move on from Pete, but he felt optimistic that he would be able to. He was ready to begin this new chapter of his life, even if that meant being alone. He no longer felt desperate or angry. He seemed to enjoy the present moment.

However, once he began reflecting on that night as he laid in bed, he realized that he, in fact, had not seen Pete ever since he left him in the staff room. And while part of him wanted to know where he had disappeared to, part of him also appreciated not seeing him. It made things a lot easier.

That afternoon when he woke up again and got dressed for his shift, as Vegas noticed Pete's clothes on his desk, he couldn't help but smile a little. He really did feel better.

Honestly, even though he wanted to try and live without Pete, he also didn't want this to become an absolute goal. Unless he decided to disappear again, Pete was still in this hospital and they would probably encounter each other on several occasions. But instead of avoiding this, Vegas just wanted to let whatever interaction they have happen without any complexity. He still loved Pete and it's not like feelings this deep would be something he would get over so quickly.

Vegas was on the fence about that he wanted to happen with Pete; whether he wanted for them to be in a relationship or not. But, this time he was just going to let whatever happen happen.

His shift wasn't as busy as he expected. Between having a meeting with Kinn and attending to some patients, Vegas had a fairly calm day.

"You seem hungry," the head nurse laughed as she heard Vegas' tummy grumble.

He placed his hand on his abdomen and smiled, "Seems like it. Let me go and grab something to eat, I'll be back in a bit."

The nurse placed her hand on his shoulder and whispered with a giggle, "Bring me back a chocolate bar."

After grabbing a coffee and choco-pie from the vending machine, Vegas made his way up to the roof - another one of his favourite places in the hospital.

The sun was setting and there was a slight breeze; a perfect and calm atmosphere that matched his mood. He sat on a bench and opened up his coffee after putting his earbuds in to listen to some calming music.

It was only moments later that his peaceful break time was disrupted, but he honestly didn't mind. He didn't mind having a conversation with someone about simple nothings... Vegas felt a hand on his shoulder which caused him to remove his earbuds and turn around. Pete.

"Can I sit with you?"

Vegas nodded.

I Didn't Know You'd be the One to Save Me - VegasPeteWhere stories live. Discover now