Chapter 4 (Too far)

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Joey held on to Katherine and jumped off the edge of the island. Katherine screamed and held tight to Joey. Joey and Katherine quickly landed in the water with a huge splash.

"What the heck!?" Katherine gasped for breath after they got to shore.

"I blew up his island." Joey answered, flipping the water out of his hair.

"There was a CHILD on the island!" Katherine cried out to Joey.

"And?" Joey said, stretching his arms. " Joel would have done the same."

Katherine grunted and flew off without a word.

"See you soon, babe!" Joey shouted.

Joel joined the game

"Oh no.." Joey muttered.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" A voice boomed from the islands above.

Joey equipped his elytra and flew off as fast as he could. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no

Joey managed to make it back to eversea in a few minutes. As soon as Joey got home, he flopped down on his bed. He hadn't got caught. Joel wouldn't know it was him. He had blown up Joel's fountain. 

Joey started laughing hysterically at the thought of not getting caught.

A few days went by without any drama. Pix came to get some sea lanterns, Joey went to the mesa buy gunpowder. Everything was normal until sausage asked if they could meet up at the great bridge. Alone.

Joey had trusted sausage enough to only bring his trident, and not anything else. 

"Hello, sausage!" Joey ran up to sausage. Sausage was standing at Joel's part of the bridge, glaring at the floor. He had something purple clenched in his fist.

"So, what did you need?" Joey asked.


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HERMÈS?!" Sausage cried out.

Joey rubbed where Sausage slapped him. "Hey! What the hell?!"

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM BASTARD!" Sausage cried harder.

"Hermès? Oh the kid? He blew up with the fountain." Joey answered plainly.

Sausage stood still for a second. Time seemed to stop. 

Sausage drew his sword and swung it at Joey.

"What the hell?!" Joey exclaimed.

"YOU KILLED MY SON!" Sausage screamed, getting on his elytra and flying off.

"Coward." Joey muttered.

Thunder started booming.

"I can't believe you" a voice boomed. Stood over Joel's mini island was the thunder got himself. Out of nowhere it started pouring and thundering. 

Heh. Joey thought, I can use this to my advantage. He reached for his trident when what looked like a navy bird flied towards him. As thunder boomed, Joey thought he saw the figure in gray, with an assassin mark on his armor. He seemed so familiar..


An arrow hit Joey's hand. Joey quickly used his rockets to fly away, barely avoiding the thunder in his way. He didn't know where he was going, but he also didn't care.


We love sound effects

Also just to be clear there are certain ways to kill a player permanently in this. If an NPC kills a player, they're gone forever. If a player uses special weapons or techniques, they can also die permanently. I kept forgetting to write this before I finished the fic, but I hope this clears things up.

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