Bad ending (?)

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"What was that?!" Joey yelled, snapping back to reality.

"The universes are colliding!" The lost empire drew his sword. "Run to the portal! You have to get back to your empire!"

Joey pulled out a rocket and flew out of the cave and back the way they came. The sky had purple portals dropping buildings and animals.

Joey looked foreword.


A giant teapot flew before joeys face, seahorses falling with it.

"What the hell?!" Joey kept flying.

"There's a shortcut!" Xornoth shouted out of nowhere, grabbing joeys arm before a Japanese temple fell on him. Xornoth quickly opened a book and spoke some weird Latin shit before they teleported back at the fire temple. A giant pink tree with a treehouse had fallen in the middle of the lake.

"Hurry!" Xornoth yelled. Joey flew to the portal, now with no 'watcher' or whatever other Joey called it, as a green blob fell on him.

"SHULK IS CONFUSED!!" The blob yelled. Joey quickly crawled from under the blob and flew into the portal.

Purple hues surrounded Joey in a colorful swirl. Everything was so quiet. Joey felt air rushing at him as he fell down the rift. But this time, there were 2.


Joey fell through the right portal and opened his eyes. The sky was a dark red and his ears were ringing.

"Joey!" A quiet, familiar voice called again and again. It sounded like an angel... 

"Princess?" Joey muttered.

"Joey, we have to go!" Katherine cryed, pulling Joey up. They were at the rift, but everything was...horrifying. All around them, monsters ravaged the land. The trees burned and people were screaming in the distance. Joey noticed a thunder cloud  forming at spawn.

"What the hell?!" Joeys eyes widened. "I've been gone for a day!"

"You've been gone for weeks!" Katherine gripped tighter on his arm. "Where have you been?!"

"Hello, 'captain' Joe." A deep voice scoffed from behind him. 

"Skeletron." Joey turned to the giant skeleton and frowned. "What's going on?"

"How was your vacation?" Skeletron smiled. "While you were away to who knows where, your crew decided to help me take over your server. What loyal friends you have." He chuckled. "But you came back at the perfect time. As soon as my henchmen capture your fellow emperors, you will watch them perish before you suffer in my darkest dungeon. Sit tight captain, and prepare for an eternity in hell."

Thunder crackled and Joey looked to spawn. Everyone was there, (besides him and Katherine of course) fighting for their lives. The thunder seemed to have hit a creeper and the explosion blew all 10 members of the server were sent flying.

Wait... 10 members? There's 13. Who was-

"RAHHH" an angry voice yelled from the sky. "DONT HURT MY FRIENDS YOU DUMB BAG OF BONES!"

Shelby came flying in on her broom and fired a spell at skeletron, stopping 3 feet above Joey and Katherine's heads. 

Skeletron didn't even flinch. 

"My my, I've heard stories of you, Miss Shelby. Yes, my supplier of potions tells me you're dumber than you look. Guess she was right!" Skeletron laughed. "By the way, my potions come directly from the witch academy. If a witch brews a potion wrong it has the chance to do unimaginable magic. Doesn't affect me of course. Looks like you haven't been studying."

memories of the past empires smp fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang