Chapter 19 (A strange place)

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"Push" Xornoth shoved Joey into the portal.

Purple hues surrounded Joey in a colorful swirl. Everything was so quiet. Joey felt air rushing at him as he fell down the rift. As he looked down, he saw blue. It was beautiful like the rivers waters and-

"Ow!" Joey landed flat on his face in the water. 

"Fancy seeing you here" Xornoth floated from above. 

"Why did you have to push me..." Joey said, getting out of the water and looking around. It seemed thy were in a cave flooded with water. At the cave opening, a dozen tall jungle trees grew out of the ground. There was an acacia platform with 2 boats docked at it.

"Where are we?" Joey stood up.

"Welcome," Xornoth landed in front of Joey. "To my server. Empires SMP!"

"There's no way.." Joey looked around. This place want on empires, and he was sure of it. 

"This isn't YOUR empires smp!" Xornoth laughed at Joeys confused face. "This is another version of empires. Right now we are in the lost empire, owned by my boyfriend."

"Pfft! Who would date you?" Joey laughed.

"Just you wait." Xornoth smiled. "Our first stop is Mythland."

"Excuse me, I'm trying to find my friends. I have no time for your shenanigans." Joey stopped laughing and crossed his arms.

"You'll find them." Xornoth treaded through the water. "They might just be... different. Than how you remember them." 

"Fine. How do we get there? I lost everything in that portal." Joey waddled to Xornoth.

"You'll see." Xornoth climbed onto shore, Joey following right after him.

Joey looked back at the portal. "What's that?" Joey pointed to the shadow of a woman glistening on the purple light.

"A watcher." Xornoth grit his teeth. "Just ignore them."

Joey turned back to Xornoth. 

"Sorry about this." Xornoth smiled.


(I'm back at it with sound effects!)

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