Chapter 22 (The past)

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"SPIDER!" Joey yelled, jumping behind his parrot companion.

Past Joey swiped his sword and the spider disintegrated. "Wimp."

"Be quiet." Joey whimpered. "SKELETRON!!!"

This had gone on for the last 10 minutes. They were about 20 feet into the library.

"Come on!" The lost emperor yelled. "DO YOU WANT TO HELP US?!"

Joey stopped hiding. "Yes.."

"Then go ahead." Other Joey walked angrily further in the library.

"Need any help?" A familiar voice called. Suddenly, the whole room illuminated in an orange hue.

"Xornoth!" Joey smiled. "Take me to the library!"

"Of course, love." Xornoth picked Joey up.

"Wrong 'love'." Joey frowned.

Xornoth quickly caught up with the angry parrot and grabbed his shoulder.

"Away we go!" Xornoth laughed.

"Let go of me." Other Joey growled.

"We're here!" Xornoth dropped them both. "That's the book." He pointed to the lectern in the middle of the library.

Joey walked forward and opened the book.

"'Presedent?'" Joey asked, reading the book.

"Present, dumbass." Emperor Joey rolled his eyes.

Joey flipped a few pages. Everything was coming back to him-

The witch.

The engineer.

The ocean queen.

The cod king.

The mazalean king.

The assassin.

The flower queen.

The desert trader.

The farming queen.

That one gay reindeer that was related to Xornoth somehow.

And.. him.

He looked over to himself.


"When you get back to your server, you need a happy ending after your climax. That way your server won't collide." Other Joey said, obviously sensing something Joey didn't.

"But the server will be dis-" Joey started.

"I know. But if a single person permadeaths or you don't defeat your villain, this will happen to-"


Now that Joey's done with empires, I'm going to do 3 more chapters. 1 more to get him back to s2, a happy ending, and a bad ending. Which ending should I do first?

memories of the past empires smp fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now