Chapter 30: Gone

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dear albert,

i love you. WE all do. i hope yoU really are doiNg well. i remember the time that we Dug in the dirt crEated a huge hole. we then thRew dirt at each other making uS very very dirTy. And we had to wash off iN the creak. we walked into the loDging house soaking wet, and jack gave us an annoyed look. i love you so much. i hope you know that.


Finch wrote back!












We understand

WE UNDERSTAND!!! They get it! Yes!!!!!

dear albie,

hiiii!!! hoW arE are you doing? i hope you HAVing fun listEning to me rAmble on and on. manhattan isn't the same PLAce without you. i miss you a lot. you and your stupid sarcasm, aNd you even stealing my cigar every morning. come back albie, TheRe's always a place for yoU in the lodging houSe. There's to much silence here now. i love yoU so So much!

Oh good, Racer wrote back too!















We have a plan trust us

We have a plan trust us? What could they possibly be planning? 

Whatever they're planning they need to hurry. I can feel my body slowly giving out. It won't be long till I won't be able to walk. They pound on my legs so hard, that I might end up with a crutch just like Crutchie, if I even make it out of here alive. I can barely feel my legs, and they are very sore. I want to get up, I want to get out of here, I want to sell again, I want to yell at the Harlem boy's, I want to steal Racer's cigar, but most importantly I want to hold Finch. Kiss him, hug him, marry him, have kids with him, have grand kids with him, grow old with him, and be buried right next to him. But I don't think any of that will happen. 

"Hey Hart, how are?" I glared at Scar. "What not happy with me?" I quickly hid the letters behind my back, protecting them from Scar. He has brass knuckles. He lifts me chin, making me look at him. Honestly he's hot, but he's not kind. Well, I still think he is. Something's going on and I have to figure out what it is. He got in my face, I can feel his hot breath. Apparently he saw that I was kind of staring because he then said "Take a picture, it'll last longer." A smirk growing on his face. "I...I'se wasn't...." "Oh don't worry pretty boy, it's okay." He said with a huge smirk. It looked like he was trying to make it an evil smirk, but he was failing. He the lifted his fist, about to hit me in the face. But right before he hit me, I saw a sad frown come onto his face and a tear slide down. What the hell is going on here? Then all I see is blackness. 

I want to cry. I need to cry. But I can't. I know that they have a plan, but I'm going to die before. Scar beat me pretty bad. 

My tears are gone.

My hot got tears are gone.

My cold tears are gone.

My love is gone.

My best friend is gone.

My sister is gone.

My brother is gone.

My first love is gone.

My childhood best friend is gone.

My happiness is gone.

My world is gone.

My life is gone.

My silent tears are gone.

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, school has kept me pretty busy. I think I broke my own heart writing this.


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