Chapter 45: One Year An Seven Months Later- Proposal Two

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Scar P.O.V.

Yesterday was Morris's and Ace's wedding. It was beautiful. They had yellow and baby blue roses everywhere,.Oscar was Morris's best man, his groomsmen were Albert (since he is basically the reason they even got together in the first place), Reaper, Mush, and Specs. Ace couldn't decide who should be his best man, so he had two. Spot and Hotshot. His groomsmen were Red, Rickey, Nickey, and Elmer. He looked so cute up there in his adorable tux. 

I look down staring once again at the ring I hold in my hand. The ring. The ring that could potentially lead to an amazing and wonderful life or lead to complete rejection and heartbreak. I just hope it's the first, not the second. I stand up from my bed and head downstairs, putting the ring back in the box, putting it in my pocket. "Hey Scar!" "How ya doing?" "Nervous Blade." "Hey, there ain't nothing to be nervous about, we all know that Elmer is going to say yes, and you two will live happily ever after." I smiled. I hope he's right.

                                          [Time skip to Night time]

"Hey baby are you cold?" "Just a lil bit, but I'se okay." I don't believe him. he's my boyfriend, the love of my life, I know when he's not telling the truth. I take off my light jacket and wrap it around my lovers shoulders. He smiled up at me, a smile that could blind the sun. 

I then lifted him up, and twirled him up there, him spreading his arms out wide. I set him down, looking into those gorgeous beautiful hazel eyes. We leaned in, sparks flying threw our mouths. They fit perfectly, just like us. We are made for each other. When we pulled away, I stepped back and said 

"You are the sweetest, kindest, most full-hearted person I know. I'm am so lucky that I found you. You were there for me threw my worst, and I've been there for you threw your worst. I hope to continue that. We are made for each other El." 

I knee down on one knee, pulling out the ring.

"Will you do me the honors of marrying you Elmer Kapowski?" 

He stood there in shock for a minute till he ran over to me, and kissed my on the lips. Every time between the kisses there'd be 'I love you'se or yes!' We broke apart, Elmer laying back down in the grass looking into the beautiful amazing stars. I soon joined right beside him.

I rolled over facing him. He turned his head and we had a passionate kiss. When we finished, our foreheads touched. "I'se love ya Jeremi." "I love you too Ellie."

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