Chapter 47: The results

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I change into my clothes, so does Finch. God he's so beautiful. Everything about him is just so perfect! he walked over shirt off, snaking his arms around my waist. "That was amazin what we'se just did." I can feel his smirk against my skin. I slightly smile. The thing about what me and Finch has is that he loves me for who I am, not for what my body looks like. "Yeah, yeah it was." We kissed passionately, heading towards the bed again.

                                                        [Time Skip Next Week]

I haven't felt the best lately. I threw up a few days ago, and I don't feel any better. I walk into the bathroom knowing that Race, JoJo, and Elmer were in there. Even though Race and Elmer are married they come here a lot. As I walk in the room gets sort of fuzzy. Now it's spinning! Now there's little black dots!!! Now there's.... wham. I fall to the floor. My mind going black.

I wake up to people standing around the room. "Oh thank god you'se okay Albie!" Finch said while rushing to my side. Spot stepped forward and stated "I'se dink it's time ya see a doctor." Everyone else agreed, so I guess I'm going to the doctor. Yay me.

                                                               [Time Skip Doctor's Office]

Here's your test results Mrs. Dasilva. The young lady hands me the papers. I read over them and everything looks fine except.......


I drop the papers to the floor. 

My knees collapse to the floor.

My world fall to the floor. 

Silent tears fall to the floor.

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