Chapter 38: To Hot To Be Straight

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Well Scar beat me pretty bad. I hate this. I hate all of it. I don't understand why they are doing this. They first said revenge and asked about Manhattan and Brooklyn's weaknesses, but they haven't talked about that in weeks. Night is still the sweetest to me. I can't stand, so he'll help me up the stairs, and hold me up while I shower. He seems very un phased by my body. And I'm not really sure why. Did he know before I first showered here? He knows I'm in a girls body, and hasn't even tried anything with me. Which I find kind of weird. Unless he's gay? I'm still trying to figure what's happening here. 

I here a knock on the door upstairs. Probably just a messenger from another borough. My guess is Long Island. Bronx and Long Island are on very good terms. I wonder if Smalls and Scar are together or something? Nah. He's to hot to be straight. 

I here stomping on the floor, some crashing, and yelling above me. What in the name of hell? Suddenly the door flings open, shining light into the dark basement. 


Sorry that this was so short. I think the title is just amazing. It's kind of weird that Albert called his brother hot, but in his defense he doesn't know that Scar's his brother. So I mean I'll give him that.


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