Date pt2

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*Today was the day you were going out on a date with jane. You wanted to look good so you wore a tight black rubbery dress and decided to do your makeup.*

'You get a call from jane asking if you are ready and that she is outside your house'

Jane: You ready~?

Y/n: Y-yeah!

'Jane giggles at your response'

Jane: alright, I'm outside already. Can't wait to go on a date with you!

'You laugh'

Y/N: I'm walking outside now

Jane: Kk!

'You both hang up, or well Jane did'

Jane: wow...You look hot- I mean great!

'You giggle'

Y/N: Thank you..

'You guys go to the flower field where flowers, food, wine, and much more'

(Future dumb fuck here, I just realized my dumbass put followers instead of flowers LMFAO)

Y/N: Wow..This is amazing Jane.

'She gives you a warm smile'

'You both talk and laugh, And the both of you are for sure going to be a happy couple'

Nina: Come on! I wanna show this place in the forest to you Y/N!!


'you finally come downstairs'

Nina: Lets go!

- No compliment? wow -

Y/N: This is nice..

- it wasn't trust me -

Nina: Yay! I'm glad you like it

'She burst with excitement'

'You and her watch a movie on her computer while she has her head in your lap, you guys end up going home and cuddle with each other for the rest of the night'


Kinda forgot about this book LMAO-

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