Where U @?

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It was 9:23 pm and Nina was out with the other cp girls at a party, Nina didn't tell you the location of the so called "Party" So you were sitting at home by yourself watching White chicks. Nina eventually calls you, and as she speaks you can hear how tipsy she was. Nina was drunk. So this meant one thing. Finding out where the hell she is. You were lucky enough she had her location on and shared with you. You got dressed and went to get her. But here's the twist. She was in this huge mansion. You knew you'd have a hard time finding her. You called and asked her where she was. She said "I don't know where the fuck I'm at hehe". Great. You eventually found her and took her home. The next morning she threw up and groaned. Whining about how much her head hurt. You told her she shouldn't have drank so much and she rolled her eyes. You laughed at her and left the room. Next time she shouldn't drink so much when she parties. 


Where U @?

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