"Three scientists, one lab"

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In the middle of the night, Grace came out of her room sleepwalking. "Grace what are you doing up" Donald asked. Grace fired her heat vision at Donald. "Grace" Donald said. "I think she is sleepwalking" Douglas said. "Why do you say that" Donald said. "Her body is straight, so is her eyes" Douglas said. "Oh" Donald said. "Do not wake her up" Douglas said. "Why" Douglas asked. "It's dangerous to wake sleepwalkers" Douglas said. "Then how am I"- Grace then froze Donald with her freeze breath. "Grace" Douglas said as she shot her heat vision at Douglas, but Douglas ducked getting at Donald unfreezing him. Donald shivered. "I'm gonna bring her back into her room" Douglas said bringing her to her room. Then in the morning. Adam, Bree and Chase walked in as they heard a loud 'Boom' from the training area. They ran in. "What just happened" Chase asked. "We were waiting as we were practicing and something went wrong when his bionics started -like glitching" Spin said.
"Why would they glitch" Bree asked. "I don't know but I'm gonna tell Davenport about this" Chase said as he left. Chase found Donald in the mentor quarters. "Hey Mr Davenport" Chase was saying. "Chase whatever it is could you save it for later, I'm kinda busy right now" Donald said. "This is important" Chase said. "What is it" Donald asked. "The student's bionics are glitching" Chase said. "Them too?" Donald said. "What do you mean by that" Chase asked. "Grace was sleepwalking last night" Donald was saying, as Chase interrupted "She was? I was up last night and I didn't hear anything". "You were up" Donald asked. "I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't fall back asleep" Chase said. "Oh. Grace's bionics we're going off while she was asleep" Donald said. "What how can that be possible" Chase asked. "I don't know. Now the student's bionics are getting messed up" Donald asked. "Maybe something happened between last night and before the time you saw Grace awake" Chase said. "What could've happened" Donald asked. "Possibly the system for their bionics" Chase said. "Okay that could be possible for everyone except Grace, wait have you or Adam and Bree used your bionics" Donald asked. "No. Why except Grace" Chase asked. "Her bionics were developed when she was in her mom" Donald said. "Oh. Wait where's Douglas, maybe he knows something about this" Chase said. Donald nodded as they ran off to the training area. "Hey do you know what's going on with the students" Douglas asked. "Their bionics going wrong, yes" Donald said. "I know what's wrong with the bionics. Remember a few days ago when we lost the chip extractor" Douglas said. "Yeah" Donald said. "After we found it there was something wrong with it, it was sucking the student's bionics into it which got stuck. Adam then broke it which it then shattered. From what I saw on the security footage, during the day yesterday it fixed itself which I think could've done something wrong with the bionics" Douglas explained. "You think it's the chip extractor that's broken that made their bionics go crazy" Chase asked. "Yes" Douglas said. "Adam broke the student's bionics. The chips were in there the whole time and couldn't get it out after Adam broke it" Donald said. "Could that be why" Douglas said. "Probably duh captain obvious" Donald said. "No wait a minute the students are still able to use their bionics though" Chase said. "I saw on the security footage the chips melted but went into the students but now their bionics are going wonk" Douglas said. "Okay we know what's wrong with the students but not Grace" Donald said. "I already fixed her. Last night she wasn't in her capsule, she was in bed. Which at night it kept beeping that made her body wake up while letting her bionics go off without control from her" Douglas said. "You fixed her" Donald asked. "Yes why" Douglas asked. "No reason" Donald said. Grace came in. "Hey what's going on" Grace asked. "Not much why" Donald asked. "I was just wondering" Grace said. "Why, what's up" Chase asked. "Your hiding something" Grace said eyeballing Chase, Donald and Douglas. "No we're not" Douglas said. "Chasey" Grace said guilting Chase to admit it as she was looking cute to him. "The student's bionics are messed up" Chase admitted. "A ha I knew it" Grace said. "Don't say anything, we don't want the students to freak out okay" Donald said. "I won't I promise" Grace said. "Thank you" Donald said. "Can I help" Grace asked. "What no" Donald said. "Why not" Grace said. "Why won't you let her and that was rude" Chase said. "We don't need her helping, since girls don't know how science works" Donald said. "I do too know and I'll prove it to you" Grace said leaving. They looked at each other. "Donald, she's smarter than anyone here, even Chase. Grace could fix them, and if she does why would it matter" Douglas said. "Grace isn't smarter than me" Chase said. "Yes she is" Douglas said. "It matters to me because I'm a scientist, I know what everything there is for science. No girl can outsmart me for what I'm worth" Donald said. "Your ego or science" Chase asked. "Whatever" Donald asked. Chase went in the training area. Donald and Douglas were trying everything for hours. "I don't know, but for once I don't know how to fix this" Donald said. "Well your doing that different" Douglas said. "I thought it would work" Donald said. "Why would this work when your not doing it correctly" Douglas asked. "Oh like you know everything about science" Donald said. "What is up with you? Is there something wrong, is your brain twisted in a bunch" Douglas asked. "I'll twist your's if you won't get out of here" Donald said. "Donnie" Douglas said. Grace came in happy saying, "I fixed the students bionics". "What" They asked simultaneously. "I fixed it. It was simple, I tapped into everyone's chips put it how it was regularly looking like, put my black shred into the chip that helps, protects and improves their bionics" Grace said. "That's it, I'm done" Donald said. "Done on what?" Douglas asked. "Science. I'm giving up on it" Donald said. "Why he so racist today, he isn't like that, well not currently that I was here except for now" Grace asked. "Come again" Douglas said. "Before he never lets me help him" Grace was saying until Douglas interrupted, "And yet you went behind his back this time and did which made him upset". "I don't know why he won't let anyone help him though. He likes to do things himself when he can't get it right. Like when you were trying to fix his mistake on Bree's chip to get her superspeed back" Grace said. "How did you know that" Douglas said. "I know everything" Grace said. "Good point" Douglas said. A week later. In the training area. "Mr Davenport gave up science" Bree asked. "Yeah and it's my fault" Grace said. "Grace you did the right thing for helping, Mr Davenport is just upset" Chase said. "Yeah I guess so" Grace said. "So it's grace's fault that he gave up on science" Adam asked. "Yeah I just said that" Grace said. Adam looked like he was confused. "Dumb?" Grace asked Bree. "Yes" Bree said. "Maybe talking with him, he'll change his mind" Chase said. "Yeah your right, but what if he doesn't" Grace said standing up. "Mr Davenport wouldn't give up science if he really wanted to, I know. Mr Davenport never gives up on bragging, especially anything about himself" Chase said. "Good point" Grace said leaving. "Do you think he'll change his mind" Bree said. "I'm not sure" Chase said sitting next to Bree. With Grace. "Mr Davenport" Grace was saying. "Grace I'm not in the mood to talk right now" Mr Davenport said unpacking things from a box. "Look I know your mad both at yourself and me, but I'm talking to you. I know your feeling like a failure but your not, just by having help doesn't and shouldn't make you less of a person. It should make you feel better, your just gonna stress if you do. And I only did that to show you that you were wrong about girls, that they can do science. I'm the smartest person in the universe and I can do anything, especially helping, so please let your ego go and finally get help for anything especially for you" Grace was saying desperately. "Grace thanks for all of that and I agree, except for the last part, I'm awesome. I'm not giving up on science because of you. I did feel bad, but since I'm your parental guardian I'm gonna let it slide because you kinda feel like an actual daughter to me and I don't want to hurt you" Donald said. "Really" Grace said. "Yeah" Donald said (as they hugged). Later on, in the training area. "So Mr Davenport didn't give up on science" Bree asked. "No" Grace said. "We know, I eavesdropped on your guy's conversation" Chase said. Grace made a face then flicked him. "Ow" Chase.
Thanks for reading ;)

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