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In Grace's room, using the simulator rooms. "I'm surprised that Grace is finally okay with sharing her simulator rooms" Leo said. "Well since she's staying over at her therapist and she's finally calm, she was actually willing" Bree said as she left. "Since this is Grace's room we have to be careful" Leo said. "Yeah. She can be a nutto over her stuff" Taylor said. "For the fact Grace considers you as her best friend I'm surprised to her you say that even though it's true" Leo said. "I know she's doing that because of what happened with Kendall and I'm okay with it" Taylor said. "Your Okay about being used" Leo said. "I'm okay with it because she's goes through a tough time a lot and I want to support her" Taylor said. "Your a great friend to do so. Now, all I want is for you to throw your laser spheres at me so I can see your strength" Leo said.
Each person threw their laser sphere at Leo. "Wow, all of you are doing great. Taylor, I'm proud of how much strength you have now" Leo said. "Thanks Leo" Taylor said. "Now, I want you guys to partner up and kinda do a bionic battle between you guys. So I can see how well you can do fighting with your laser spheres" Leo said. They all did at the same time that all of their laser spheres combined into one and short circuited the power in the academy. "Okay this is not a time to freak out, this has happened before. While not trying to bring an old memory back" Leo said. "I don't care! I'm strong now. And I know I can fix this problem" Taylor said. "How?" Leo asked. "I have no idea yet" Taylor said. Leo shook his head.
They turned Grace's room back and took all of her flashlights, going into the training room. "Oh god" Chase said as Leo put the light in his face. "Sorry" Leo said. "Where did you get those flashlights?" Chase asked. "Grace's room, she has a whole pack. There's more in her room" Leo said. "Okay then. We won't need those for long, I can fix this easily" Chase said as he went to the cyberdesk. Chase went in the cyberdesk into backups for the power. The power was fried by the laser spheres. "Okay we have a problem" Chase said. "You can't fix it?" Bree asked. "The power is fried. The only person who can fix this is-" Chase was saying until Leo interrupted, "Big D?" "No, the most powerful person here and is at therapy. She's unable to get on the island now. The Hydroloop isn't even working" Chase said. "I still don't know" Adam said. "Grace! Grace isn't here" Bree said. "Oh" Adam said. "Mr Davenport doesn't even know how?" Bree asked. "He knows how to fix the regular power system, but since this is fried from a laser sphere it can only be fixed by a user that can cause this power" Chase said. "Let me see" Leo said. "You two don't have the same strength in laser sphere" Chase said. "Okay, now I officially let Grace not to go to training" Leo said. Chase made a face like 'seriously'😒😕😟. "When is Grace coming back from therapy?" Leo asked. "She's supposed to be back in 3 days" Chase said. "Wait a second, if Grace isn't in her capsule for a week to sustain her bionics she won't be in any use" Bree said. "Yes. I was gonna let her stay in her room the whole day when she comes back" Chase said. "Does this also mean, we won't be able to use the bowling alley?" Adam asked. "Nothing is working in the academy, including the Hydroloop" Leo said. "Should we hold off training until further notice?" Bree asked. "Yes" Chase said. "Wait a second, where's Bob?" Adam asked. "In the infirmary" Bree said. Adam ran upstairs in the infirmary with a flashlight.
"Bob are you okay?" Adam asked. "Your blinding me" Bob said. "Sorry" Adam said. "What happened?" Bob asked. "The power went out and Chase can't fix it" Adam said. "He can't fix it? He knows how to fix everything" Bob said. "Exactly but he's not the go to person to listen to people when it comes to being in a situation like this" Adam said. "Good point" Bob said. "How are you doing?" Adam asked. "Good, I'm in a little pain but I'm just tired" Bob said. "Well you can rest, we're taking off training for now" Adam said. "I have a Charlie horse in my ankle" Bob said. "Sometimes it helps to stretch it out" Adam said. "I did that and it popped" Bob said. "Gross" Adam said. Adam noticed something flashed the flashlight on it, "Is that Cheez-Its?" "No" Bob said. Adam took the box and shook it, "You ate the whole thing?" "I just finished it, I eat when I'm scared" Bob said. "Are you scared of the dark?" Adam asked. "Maybe" Bob said. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, a lot of people are" Adam said. "Are you?" Bob asked. "At certain times I am" Adam said. "That makes me feel better" Bob said. Adam found another box, opened it and dumped it on Bob. "This actually doesn't bother me" Bob said.
Downstairs in the main room.
"What are we going to do about Grace?" Leo asked. "I'm gonna call her about coming back early" Chase said.
At Grace's's therapy.
Grace was doing breathing exercises. "You can have a bathroom break for now" Her Therapist said. "Thanks" Grace said as she left. Grace's phone went off, her therapist answered her phone. "Hello, um where's Grace?" Chase asked. "Bathroom" Grace's therapist said. "Okay, could we have Grace come back for now, we're in a situation and we need her" Chase said. "No!" Grace's therapist said. "What?" Chase asked as Grace's therapist hung up on him.
A minute later Grace came in as her therapist locked the door. "Why did you lock the door when you know I don't do well in locked places?" Grace asked. "Well by doing this will get you out of your comfort zone" Her Therapist said. Grace looked like she was freaking out and gonna pass out.
In the academy.
"What happened?" Leo asked. "Grace's Therapist wouldn't let her come back here and hung up on me" Chase said. "Yeah if you say that we're in a situation and we need Grace, she won't let her come" Bree said. "Why did I just think of that?" Chase asked. "How can you be so stupid?" Leo asked. "Excuse me from the guy who caused this" Chase said. "Okay no arguing and no does the name blame! Arguing doesn't solve anything!" Bree said. "You don't have to freak out about it" Chase said. "We can't let Big D know about that this happened, well that I caused it again. Wait why did Grace's therapist answer her phone? Why does she have Grace's phone?" Leo asked. "She's probably trying to get Grace away from technology since she's around it 24/7" Bree said. "True but how can you be so sure?" Leo asked. "Why are you being protective over Grace?" Bree asked. "I care about her. What if she's in danger somehow? She's on the mainland!" Leo asked. "She's with an adult authority calm down" Bree said. "I want a way to leave to check on her" Leo said. "Well it's not gonna happen, nothing's working" Chase said. "I'll do this on my own then" Chase shook his head and walked out. "What's the worst thing you think is gonna happen to Grace on the mainland with her therapist?" Bree asked. "Her therapist could be holding her hostage" Leo said. "You've made it out of crazy town into being ridiculous" Bree said walking into the training room. "I'm not ridiculous or crazy" Leo said. Bree walked in seeing Taylor on the stationary bike, "We were gonna do that in training today. You do know that won't work though". "Yes I know that. How come Grace's punching bag is in here?" Taylor asked. "I was borrowing it for training as well- wait how do you know- Bree was saying until Taylor stopped her, "It hit me in the face when I came in here". "Oh, are you okay?" Bree asked. "Yeah, I'm good" Taylor said. Bree went up to Taylor, "You have a little mark on your face, I'll get the first aid kit" As Bree left. Bree passed Leo, "How is it going testing to get to Grace". "I have no idea where to start" Leo said. "Yeah well, your on your own" Bree said as she walked out. "How can you be so rude?" Leo asked.
Bree covered up the mark on Taylor's face, "There you go". "Thanks Bree, but I was okay before" Taylor said. Bob came in eating cheez its from his shirt. "What are you doing?" Bree asked. "Adam poured cheez its on me and it got in my clothes, so I'm eating it from my clothes" Bob said. "I'm glad I can't see that" Taylor said. "Ain't pretty" Bree whispered to her. Taylor laughed. "Clean up. Wait a second how do you have Cheez it's in your hair?" Bree asked. "I said Adam poured the box on me" Bob said. "Clean up" Bree said. "Fine" Bob said. Bree went in the main room, "That's weird, where did Leo go?" Bree went in Grace's room and saw Leo. "What are you doing?" Bree asked. "One thing I just thought of is that Grace might have a backup power source ten times powerful than ours. That girl is prepared for any situation" Leo said. "She was a Girl Scout when she was younger. Did you find anything?" Bree asked. "No" Leo said. "My guess, she probably hides her Technology under something that's huge" Bree said. Leo looked at her weird. "Try to lift the bed" Bree said. "Oh" Leo said. Leo lifted Grace's bed with his super strength. Grace has a whole system under her bed. "How is Grace this tech savvy" Leo said. "She's has a problem with technology" Bree said. Leo went through it, "Okay this is actually nothing. We need Grace to fix this herself, but how are we gonna get her here?" Leo asked as he put the bed down.
At Grace's therapy.
"I know this is the point where you'd teach me Spanish, Latin and French, but I can please see me phone so I can ask Chase something?" Grace asked. "No" Her Therapist said. "Why not?" Grace asked. Smoke came out of nowhere. "Where did that come from?" Grace and her therapist asked. Her therapist coughed it up and saw it coming from her pocket. It was Grace's phone, it exploded. "How did my phone explode out of nowhere? Oh, Chase made that himself. That explains it, I can make myself one" Grace said. "Okay" Her Therapist said. "May I please get in contact with my family so I can tell them that my phone isn't working?" Grace asked. "No" Her Therapist said. "Why not?" Grace asked. "I'm very protective" Her Therapist said. "Clearly" Grace said as she was about to try to get out of the room. Grace blasted the door with her powers. "My door!" Her Therapist said.
Grace ran out and found someone on their phone, "May I please your phone, my phone is broken and I need to get in contact with my family". "Of course". Grace called the academy.
At the academy. Chase answered Grace's call, "What the?" "Grace!" "Yes hi, look my phone randomly blew up because your the one that made it" Grace said. Chase made an annoyed face😒. "I'll make my own phone. Yeah and I might need a new therapist". "What do you mean?" Chase asked. "She locked me in the room and after my phone exploded I blasted her door to get our. She never knew I had powers, i never told her" Grace said. "Why would you be that stupid?" Chase asked. "I'm not stupid!" Grace said. "We need you to come home somehow, the power is out in the academy" Chase said. "Oh that's easy fix, I'm on my way" Grace said as she teleported in the academy. "Why did I forget you had teleportation?" Chase asked. "Because your stupid" Grace said. Bree came in, "Grace!" Grace dragged Bree in the training room and closed the doors herself. "Why did you just do that?" Bree asked. "I know how to fix this, I better way to deal with without getting electrocuted" Grace said. "How?" Bree asked. "I'll give you a minute to think of it" Grace said. "What? Why? Oh time travel" Bree said. "When did this happen?" Grace asked. "When Leo was using your simulator rooms to train his students with their laser spheres" Bree said. "That explains it" Grace said. They high fived, thinking of a few hours ago to when Leo was training, time traveling back then.

"What the?" Leo asked. "First get out of my room and second you aren't training with your lasers sphere today or I'll take your chips" Grace said. "What why?" Leo asked. Bree was about to say something but Grace covered her mouth, "Do what I say or I will tell Mr Davenport that you broke his speed boat and replaced it with a new one". "Okay then" Leo said as they left. They hugged and went back to the present. "Powers on, I'm a genius. Be used to hearing that" Grace said. "Yeah that's never happening in the near future" Bree said as they hugged. Thanks to Bree, they time traveled into the future lab. "Seriously? Why did you have to say that?" Grace asked. "I'm sorry!" Bree said. They heard footsteps. "Someone's coming!" Grace said. "Let's get out of here!" Bree said as she took out her hand. Before Grace took Bree's hand time traveling back she noticed a logo in the room. They went back to the present where the power was on. "Did you see that logo?" Grace asked. "No what was it?" Bree asked. "It was a Diamond with J. M. on it" Grace said. "What does that mean?" Bree asked. "Maybe where we were could possibly be was some sort of science company and J. M. could stand for the founder" Grace said. "I don't get how your the smart one, figuring this out" Bree said. "How many times do I have to tell people, we are equals" Grace exclaimed. "Now I understand why Chase told me to calm down when I did the same thing" Bree said. 
In the main room. Bob and Adam were making a launcher. "Do you think this is gonna work?" Bob asked. "I'm unsure, so you try it" Adam said. "Okay then" Bob said. It was filled with cheez its and launched it into the training room. "Sweet!" Adam said as they high fives. Bree and Grace walked out. "Why, just why?" Grace asked. "It's fun" Adam said as he took a cheez it out of Grace's hair and ate it. Bree and Grace were disgusted.

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