"Sister and friendship jealousy"

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In the bowling alley Grace, Chase and Leo were bowling. "Okay what are you doing" Grace asked Leo. "I'm obtaining my focus" Leo said. "Okay then" Grace said. Chase's watch triple beeped. Making Leo lose control of the bowling ball. "Seriously" Leo asked. "Sorry" Chase said turning on the watch call. Donald came up as a hologram on the watch. "What's wrong" Chase asked. "Tasha needs help at the house at Mission: Creek, the power is going crazy. It's not working correctly" Donald said. "Okay I'll be there" Chase said. The watch call ended. "Cool watch, I want one" Grace said. "Well I'm sorry, you can't" Chase said. "Why not? Can I come help" Grace asked. "I don't think so" Chase said as he was gonna walk away. Grace stopped him, "Why can't I" Grace asked. "Grace" Chase said. "I'd like to something else they stay around in an island" Grace said. "Grace no" Chase said. "Say what? You actually told her no" Leo asked. "Leo stay out of this" Chase said. "How can't I not, you actually told her no" Leo said. "Whatever, I have to go" Chase said leaving.


Grace snuck by him, turning invisible and going into the hydroloop.

On the main land at the house.

"What the heck is going on" Chase asked as he saw the lights going on and off. One of the lights had sparks going off of it. Grace used her freeze breath on it. "Where did that came from" Donald asked. "I don't know" Chase said. A ceiling lamp flew across the room, Grace and Chase used their molecularkensis holding it, putting it back. "Okay what was that" Chase asked. A lightbulb fell from the ceiling, Grace catched it in her force field. "Grace!" Chase said. Grace turned back to normal. "Why follow me?" Chase asked. "Because I wanted to help" Grace said as she let her forcefield go, the lightbulb falling to the ground. "I told you no" Chase said. "Stop arguing and fix the lights before it ruins the house" Donald said. "I can" Grace said. "Grace I got it" Chase said. "Stop it!" Donald said. Grace and Chase fix the light with their powers. Grace used her electricity and Chase used the energy from his force field aiming at the light. The light came back. The light stayed as fixed. It had more energy now. "Thank you" Donald said. "No problem" Grace said. "Your coming with me" Chase said grabbing her. Chase brought her back to the academy. "Let me guess, it's because you don't want help from a girl" Grace said. "Grace I wanted you here at the academy instead of there for a reason" Chase said. "This should be good" Grace said. "I didn't want you to get hurt" Chase said. "I'm able on my own to be safe in situations like that" Grace said. "Don't you remember being in the hospital weeks ago?" Chase asked. "Yes I do but- Chase interrupted, "But nothing, I don't want you in that position again. None of us want you like that again because we love you" Chase said. "I'm sorry" Grace said. "Come here" Chase said holding out his arms. Grace hugged him. "Want to hang out" Grace asked. "I can't, I have training with Bree" Chase said. "Oh okay" Grace said. Chase went in the training room. Grace went in the security system and footage, watching Bree and Chase training. Grace used the security system, training button using it it on the students. "What the" Chase said surprising seeing it. "What's going on?" Bree asked. "It's the training button in the security system, I bet it's Grace" Chase said. "Tell her to stop, I got the students" Bree said. "Ok" Chase said. "Grace" Chase yelled. "What" Grace said surprised. "Why are you spying on me and Bree training the students" Chase asked. "I don't know, I'm bored" Grace said. "How can you be bored" Chase asked. "I'm out of here" Grace said walking away. Chase made a face😒😕. Chase went back to training. Grace went in her room, pressing the button by her door and set her room as a gym. An archery target came up with bows. Grace practiced archery.

Two hours later.

During the students' break from training. "Where's Grace" Bree asked. "Maybe in her room" Chase said. "I'll go check on her" Adam said. Adam came in Grace's room as Grace shot an arrow but instead went through Adam's hand. Adam screamed. "I'm so sorry Adam" Grace said. Bree and Chase ran as they heard Adam scream. "What happened?" Chase asked. Adam put out his hand. "Why were you playing archery in your room" Chase asked. "So could I have something to do" Grace said. "I can take Adam to the infirmary" Bree said. "Okay" Chase said. Bree took him to the infirmary. "Get rid of your Archery set, the only thing that's gonna do is hurt people" Chase said. "Okay I will" Grace said annoyed. Chase went back to the students. Grace got rid of her Archery set. Grace went in the pool for awhile. "Grace what are you doing?" Leo asked. Grace was underwater. Leo threw a water bottle in the pool. "Why do that?" Grace asked as she came up. "What are you doing?" Leo asked. "I've been bored, I have no idea what to do. I don't like to be on the island all the time" Grace said as she went on a water raft. "Wait a minute, where were you before you came to the island" Leo asked. "In one of Donald's houses that he has" Grace said. "He has more houses?" Leo asked. "Yeah, but the house I lived in it looked more of a laboratory/ factory/kinda like a prison" Grace said. "Prison?" Leo asked. "Don't freak out, every single time when people ask me where I live they freak out when I say it kinda looks like a prison. It's not a prison" Grace said standing up on the raft. "Okay, good to know. Why are you so bored?" Leo asked. "I don't have anyone to hangout with" Grace said. "What about me?" Leo asked. "Nah, I'm good" Grace said. "Let me guess you wanted to be with Chase but you can't because he's training" Leo said. "Maybe" Grace said. "Do expect to hangout with him only? What about me, or Adam" Leo asked. Grace made a face she wasn't interested☹️😑. "How rude" Leo said. A few hours later. Grace was up in the bowling alley. Chase came up. "What are you doing?" Chase asked. "Drowning my sorrows in pasta" Grace said eating pasta and pizza🍕🍝. "Where did you even get pasta?" Chase asked. "None of your business" Grace said. Chase grabbed it away from Grace. "Hey!" Grace said. Chase threw it away. "That was my dinner!" Grace said. "Why have you been sulking?" Chase asked. "I had nothing to do, I had training off" Grace said. "You could've been with Leo or Adam, maybe not Adam. You did get rid of your archery set right?" Chase said. "Yes I did" Grace said. "You could've been with Leo" Chase said. Grace didn't say anything. "What's wrong with Leo?" Chase asked. "Nothing, but I think I told him too much something I told him" Grace said.
"What was it?" Chase asked. "I'd rather tell you not now, sometime in the future I would" Grace sad. "Is it bad?" Chase asked. "I might not describe it as that, Leo might though" Grace said. "Okay then" Chase said. "Don't worry about it please" Grace said. "Okay. Rather than that- Grace interrupted Chase, "I'd rather by myself than be with him". "Why?" Chase asked. "Because I like to be hanging out with someone else like you or maybe even Bree" Grace said. "Grace you have to understand when we train- Grace interrupted Chase again, "Train with her?". "What's that supposed to mean?" Chase asked. "Why do you always train with her? Don't you train by yourself boring your students to death" Grace asked. "I motivate them while they're tired not bored" Chase said. "Yeah sure" Grace said walking out. Grace was in the cafeteria having a salad. Chase found Leo in the main area. Chase closed the doors from the training area/cafeteria. "What are you doing?" Leo asked. "I need to talk to you about Grace" Chase said. "I do not want to apart of your drama with her" Leo said. "That's not it. Grace told me that she thought that she told you too much about something" Chase said. "Why she think that?" Leo asked. "What were you talking about?" Chase asked. "I asked her about where she was before she came to the academy" Leo was saying. "She lived with her Aunt in Wisconsin before coming to the academy" Chase said. "Where did you hear that from?" Leo asked. "Donald" Chase said. "That's not what I heard from Grace" Leo said. "What did you hear?" Chase asked. "Grace told me she lived in one of Donald's houses but she described it kind've disturbing though" Leo said. "How?" Chase said. "Laboratory/Factory- Chase interrupted, "That's not bad". "You didn't let me finish. She told me it looked like a prison" Leo said. "Prison?" Chase asked surprised.
😱. 50/50 percent I may have a little continuation in the next episode or in a few more episodes maybe, I don't know yet. Season Finale of my version of season 5 is coming up!!! Tune in for more!!!

Lab rats FanFiction made by gracecrillyWhere stories live. Discover now