"Bowling maina"

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In the student's dormitory. "Bob what are you doing" Grace asked coming to him. "Just watching something" Bob said. "Your watching Fuller House on Netflix. Get to training" Grace said.

(From the tv): 5,6,7,8 and sparkle and sparkle and spin spin and spank spank spank

Bob was still staring at the TV. "Bob!" Grace yelled. "What?!?" Bob said scared as he levitated as Grace scared him. "Go to training" Grace said. "Fine" Bob said. Grace got him down to the ground, as Bob then left. Grace turned off the TV as she left going to the training room. "What are you doing?" Grace said as Bob was teaching the students how to dance. "Teaching them how to do the Gibbler Gallop" Bob said. "Why?" Grace said. "Why are you so annoying?" Bob asked. "I'm not annoying" Grace said as Chase then came in. "What's going on and Why are the students dancing?" Chase asked. "Bob was teaching them how to dance and he called me annoying. Not to be a tattle tale" Grace said. Bree came in. "Hey can you watch the students, and make them stop dancing? I have to talk to Grace" Chase said. "Yeah sure" Bree said. Chase took Grace in the other room. "Okay a few minutes into the morning and there's already a problem" Chase said. "You don't get it, nobody ever likes me and others always make fun of me. Bob just reminded me of that. For once I actually thought I made a friend" Grace said. "I know how that feels" Chase said. "How?" Grace asked. "Your basically a girl version of me with more bionics. When I was out in the real world everyone thought I was the smartest guy in the world which I am but I was always made fun of, I never made actual friends. Bree was the only real friend I had" Chase said. "Technically she's your sister. Your bionics were a secret when you entered the real world" Grace said. "How do you" - Chase interrupted, "I know things". "You can be creepy sometimes" Chase said. "Whatever, this is not helping me" Grace said.
"It doesn't make you feel better knowing that your basically like me" Chase asked. "No. Did you hear yourself? Me exactly like you. I find that creepy" Grace said. "Grace come on, you have to bear with me here" Chase said. "The only difference with somewhat 'our' situation is that I'm a girl and your a boy" Grace said. "What do you mean?" Chase asked. "I mean in my opinion that I always see other girls like me instantly get with each other that girls get friends easier than guys. I never do, the only thing I really have is my family that's nuts" Grace said leaving to her room. "Grace come on!" Chase said following her. "No!" Grace said then closing her door and locking it. Chase went back to the main area. "Where's Grace" Bree asked. "She had a temper tantrum and she's ignoring me" Chase said. "Why what happened?" Bree asked. "Bob not listening to her and called her annoying. It reminded Grace of being an outcast no one liking her" Chase said. "Like you" Bree said. "That also might've come up" Chase said. "Comparing both of you together" Bree asked. "Yeah" Chase said. "So Grace isn't coming to show the students about the bowling alley that Donald installed" Bree asked. "Probably. I'll be right back ok?" Chase asked. "Okay" Bree said kinda annoyed. Chase went to Grace's room. Chase just talked to the door. "Hey Grace it's me Chase. I know you don't want to come out so I'll just talk to you here. Later after training Donald is showing off the bowling alley he installed if your okay would you like to come?" Chase asked. "I don't think so" Grace said. "Grace you can't be that upset" Chase said. "Can you please leave?" Grace asked. "I will since you want me to" Chase said upset leaving. Chase went to training. They stopped for a minute after 2 hours. "Chase, what's up with you? It's Grace isn't it" Bree said. "I love Grace and can't stand see her like that" Chase said. "As a sister. It's nice that saying that about her but we need to train them before going to Donald's show off" Bree said. "You would put them before family?" Chase asked waving out his arm (referring to Grace). "Chase stop! Come on" Bree said. They continued training.

Then at 5:40 it was Donald's presentation for his bowling alley in the academy. Everyone (but Grace) was there. Upstairs
-Before they went in the room-

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