"Paradise in Graceville"

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Grace was sitting outside the academy on a long chair sleeping. Leo came out, "What do you think your doing Grace?" Leo then noticed she was asleep and then pushed her off the long chair. "Okay do you mind" Grace said waking up and standing up. "I do mind. I mind it if you would start training, your not even in your training clothes. Okay even though Chase and Donald are studying the disgustingness inside your body doesn't mean you can skip training" Leo said. "Could I do gymnastics and fencing in training?" Grace asked. "If it can get you to do anything" Leo said. "Thank you" Grace said. Grace dragged the chair back inside. "Pick the chair up!" Leo said. "Fine" Grace said. Grace picked it up and put it back were it belonged.


Leo got Grace in training for awhile, after the actual training he made her do Leo let her do some gymnastics and fencing. Chase caught them fencing, "What are you doing?" "This was the only way to get her to train but may I say she's vicious" Leo said. "Told you so I'm already strong enough" Grace said. "Okay stop, I didn't want want her to do anything physical" Chase said. "You didn't" Leo asked. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Grace sang in Leo's face. "Your still doing school though" Chase said. Grace complained. "Ha" Leo said in Grace's face. "Okay enough of that" Chase said pushing them away.

Chase grabbed Grace, "You still have class with me". "Oh, please tell me it's not a one and one thing, oh thank god it's not" Grace said. "You wouldn't want it to just be us" Chase said. "Okay I love you but yes I wouldn't want that to happen, ever" Grace said.

Grace had class with Chase but was falling asleep. "Grace wake up!" Chase yelled. "Gella would you mind?" Chase asked. Gella made a face, 'Why not' and zapped her with her heat vision which woke Grace up. "Ow!" Grace said. "He told me" Gella said.

Later on in class Grace, Gella and May did a science project together paired up.

"Okay now that your assigned in partners spilt up in the academy where you want to work and decided with your team on what you want to do" Chase said. Grace, Gella and May took the training room before anyone else did. "Okay that means someone can take the cafeteria" Chase said. A guys team took the cafeteria.

"Okay what do you guys want to do?" Gella asked. "I just want to get out of this" May said. "I just want to get this over with so I can have the weekend to myself" Grace said. "You can do that?" May asked. Gella hit May, "No". "The only way I can is because of me being adopted by the owner of this place" Grace said. "Oh yeah" Gella said. "Lucky" May said. "May!" Gella said hitting her. "Oo how about a slapping machine that can hit May? That wouldn't give us a good grade but it's a cool invention to think about" Grace said. "How rude" May said. "Okay what are you thinking?" Grace asked Gella. "Can you make a watermelon explode with citric acid?" Gella said. "Citric acid is in fruit, it wouldn't make it explode" Grace said. "Exactly that was my hypothesis" Gella said. "I know how make your idea even better. How long does it take for a watermelon to explode if you hit with a laser" Grace said. "I love it" May said. "Of course you do. How are we gonna make a sodium bullet?" Gella asked. "We don't have to, I already have one made" Grace said. "Really?" Gella and May said. "Yeah, I'll show you" Grace said as they were walking out. "Where are you- Chase was saying until Grace stopped him, "Its apart of the science project".

In Grace's room.

"Whoa awesome" Gella and May said. "Thank you. It didn't take long to make sure it works after I broke it "Grace said. "Cool" Gella and May said. "When you love science and ignoring others you can get a lot done in three hours" Grace said.

Back in the training room. "Okay the only other thing we need is a watermelon" Grace said. May superspeeded out and came back with a watermelon. "Got that from the fridge?" Grace asked. "Yeah" May said. "But how did you carry that superspeeding?" Gella asked. "Um I don't know strength" May said sarcastically. "You don't have super strength though" Gella said. "Wait a second it could be a hidden ability. I get them all of the time" Grace said. "Oh we know, you film you using your Bionics all the time and upload them on your YouTube channel" Gella and May said. "Okay that doesn't matter right now, we need this done and to get an A+ on it" Grace said. "I love how ambitious you are" Gella said. "Awe thank you" Grace said. Grace opened the chip and the laser came up. "Okay the only other thing though, since we're gonna test it first we need a table for the melon, another melon after we test this and some goggles" Gella said. "Exactly" Grace said. "What about our protection of our clothes?" May asked. "It doesn't matter" Gella and Grace said. "Clearly you don't like fashion" May said. "Because we don't care about getting our clothes dirty?" Grace asked. "Yeah" May said. "Oh whatever" Gella and Grace said. They got their supples from Grace's room and then the other watermelon in the fridge. May took an extra table for the second watermelon, putting them by the doors of the training room.

Lab rats FanFiction made by gracecrillyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ