"Sick hour" (Lab Rats Special)

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I made this video ^^^^^^^ on October 23rd; last week. So in the text 'By Next Week' is this week and I couldn't establish specifically what day.

After dinner, Grace was on her computer looking at her blog. "What are you doing?" Leo asked. "Just doing some editing on my blog" Grace said. "Are those hearts around pictures of you and Chase?" Leo asked noticing on the corner of the screen. "What a Girl does on her blog is personal and a normal thing to do, so keep it to yourself and don't judge me" Grace snapped. "Okay calm down" Leo said as he then left. Grace continued writing for awhile. When she was done, Grace started looking through her photo gallery of her and her best friend, Kendall. Bree came in, "Hey. Chase wants you to- Bree stopped as she noticed Grace upset over looking at pictures of her and Kendall. "Are you okay? Who's that?" Bree asked. "My best friend Kendall that lives on the mainland" Grace said. "Your upset that you don't see her anymore" Bree said as she sat down next to her. "Yeah" Grace said. "I know how it feels to miss someone you never really see anymore" Bree said. "You do?" Grace asked. "Well no, I'm just trying to make you feel better. Is it working?" Bree asked. "No" Grace said. "I'm sorry" Bree said. "It's okay" Grace said.
By the time everyone was going to bed Grace came out of the cafeteria. "Your cleaning the whole academy before going to bed" Chase said. Grace complained. "No complaining! No listening to music either, it distracts you" Chase said. "Zeh" Grace saying in a Z consonant to shut him up. "Huh" Chase said. "I said Zeh" Grace saying in a Z consonant. "What are you saying?" Chase asked. "I'm saying zeh! to shut you up" Grace said. "Your a strange little girl" Chase said putting his hand on her shoulder. "Don't call me little!" Grace said as she took his arm and flipped him over. "Don't think about leaving!" Chase said getting up. Grace complained. "Clean then bed!" Chase said. Grace just started cleaning. Grace took only 10 minutes for her to clean and then went to bed. Grace went to bed in the student dormitory. Grace's dream** Grace was training with her friend Kendall at one of Donald's houses. "Okay what are you doing?" Kendall asked. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to destroy this locker" Grace said as she then got her foot stuck in it. "Really? Why?" Kendall asked. "I can't get it in it" Grace said. "Your foot's in it" Kendall said. "Help me" Grace said. Kendall pulled her out, making her fall to the ground. "Ow! Thank you" Grace said sarcastically. Kendall made a face at her😒. Kendall helped her up, "For once you didn't damage yourself". "Yeah yeah, whatever" Grace said. "Let's do the training simulator" Kendall said. "K" Grace said. In the training simulator it was set. Kendall and Grace fought each other. Grace was about to kick Kendall but she ducked as Grace fell. Grace got up and superspeeded around Kendall. Kendall blasted her with electricity as Grace fell down. "Okay can you not doing anything that would make me fall on my butt" Grace asked. "No" Kendall said. Grace got up and turned on her laser bow. Kendall turned on her's. Grace flipped her laser bow hitting Kendall but Kendall got her laser bow into each other's. Grace kicked Kendall's foot and leg, making her fall back towards the wall. Grace and Kendall front flipped over making them turning to each other. They used their freeze breath together but making them into a box of ice. Grace and Kendall used their heat vision and got free as shivering. Kendall and Grace started to use their heat vision on each other. "Stop that!" Kendall said. "You stop!" Grace said as they kept doing that.
At a party Kendall and Grace were dressed up (undercover as spies) Grace was in a purple solid dress with diamond earrings. Kendall was wearing a green dress crystal earrings. They were both wearing ear pieces to talk to each other. "Agent melon, have you found purple eye yet? I haven't" Grace asked whispering. "Would you stop calling me fruits? No but I'm overhearing on a conversation about her that two men that act like clowns" Kendall whispered. "Most men are clowns" Grace whispered. "Yeah I know" Kendall said. "Where are you?" Grace asked. "The north closet" Kendall said. "Why are you in a closet?" Grace asked. "Um did you not just heard me, I'm listening on a conversation. Actually on two guys that are really hot" Kendall said. "You have a problem with guys you like and you realize the guys are here, they're adults" Grace said. "Yeah, yeah whatever" Kendall said. "We're 13 you idiot" Grace said. "I know, you don't look your 13, you look like your 16 and older!" Kendall said. "Yeah yeah. Purple eye!" Grace said. "You found him" Kendall said. "Yes! Meet me in the living room once you have information from the two your listening on" Grace said. "Got it" Kendall said. Grace went up to Purple Eye. "Hello, I didn't know that we had a tall glasses of water than whine" Phillip (Purple Eye) in a British accent. "I'm flattered but I'm more interested in this place" Grace said. "Why would you date my apartment?" Phillip asked. "I'm talking about instead living in here" Grace said. "Would you accompany me to dance?" Phillip asked. "I would like to" Grace said. Phillip and Grace danced on the dance floor. "What is that on your ear?" Grace asked. "A ear piece to talk to my business men" Phillip said. "To tell them perhaps that you are a fake by any chance" Grace said. "What are you talking about?" Phillip asked guilty, lying. "Oh nothing that you might've stole money and a company to buy your own land and building for your own profit as a fraud" Grace said tangoing into the living room. "Grace Davenport!" Phillip said. "Exactly" Grace said. Kendall and cops came in taking Phillip. "Thank you Kendall Michaels for reporting burglary and fraud of Purple Eye" The Cop said handcuffing Phillip. "Your welcome" Kendall said. The Cops were taking Phillip away as he said, "I'll wait for you Grace". Him and the cops left in the elevator. "Okay that's just wrong" Grace said. "Why do you always get the cute ones?" Kendall asked. "Because your the one who taught me to be even powerful as you" Grace said. "Yeah yeah" Kendall said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
At one of the old Mr Davenport's houses. "Awe Toby is so cute" Kendall said. "He was born 3 weeks ago" Grace said. "3 hours ago he ate one of your microchips" Kendall said. "You poor thing, your stomach must be hurting" Grace said. Tony spit up on Grace. "Not anymore" Kendall said. "Take him please" Grace said. Grace cleaned up. Grace came back, "Have you seen my computer?" "No I haven't. Wasn't it in your room?" Kendall asked. "No" Grace said. "It wasn't? Oh wait a second it's in the hallway closet, I remember because you were hiding it from Mr Davenport because of our blog" Kendall said. "Oh yeah be right back" Grace said as she left. Kendall was playing with Tony. With Grace, she went into the walk in closet closing the door all the way by accident and got her computer. Grace tries to open the door but it was locked. Grace banged on the door screaming, "Get me out of here! I'm locked in". Grace banged harder which made a bowling ball fall down from the top shelf hitting Grace down hard; unconscious. Kendall was in the lab with Tony trying to prevent him eating anything. "Maybe being in here is not a good idea" Kendall said picking Tony up. "What is Gear taking so long? How long does it take to get a computer?" "Wait a minute". Kendall put Tony in Grace's room and then went to the closet. "Really Grace? This thing locks once you close it, you know that" Kendall said opening the door. "Grace!" Kendall tried to wake her but didn't. Kendall got her up and Into the lab to fix her. Grace ended up waking with wires all over her. "What the?" Grace said. "I'm doing this to help your head, chill down" Kendall said. "You mean calm down" Grace said. "Shut up grammar police I'm trying to fix you here" Kendall said. "That doesn't calm me down" Grace Said. Kendall just made a annoyed face😒.

Lab rats FanFiction made by gracecrillyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant