"Rebellion: Grace"

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A week later.
In the training room. "Where is Grace she's late for training and she missed breakfast" Chase said. "Are you sure she's not just trying to ignore training with you?" Bree asked. "You know what I liked it better when you were stuck in the mentor quarters last week" Chase said. Bree gasped. "There's got to be a logical explanation" Leo said. "Yeah like Grace got abducted by aliens" Adam said. "There's no such thing as aliens" Chase said. "What about Principal Perry" Adam asked. "Yeah your right" Chase said. Bree smirked. Grace came in wearing black leather jacket, jeggings, shirt, black boots, black gloves, choked necklace, with black make up and tight curls. "What", "The", "Heck", "Happened", "To", "You" Chase, Adam. Leo and Bree asked. "That's a lot of leather for someone who's a vegetarian" Chase said. "You look like a gang of bikers did rotten things to you" Leo said. "I've have no idea what your talking about" Grace said. "Yes you do" Chase said. "The only reason why I came down here- Grace was saying until Chase interrupted, "To Train the other students". "No, what I was going to say is I'm done. I'm done being here and being a mentor" Grace said. "What" They all asked. Grace left the room into the main room.
They went after her. "Grace you can't be serious" Bree said. "Wait we can quit being mentors" Adam asked. "No" Bree said. "I am, now leave me alone" Grace said. "Grace this is not you at all, what's going on?" Bree asked. "Nothing's going on, just leave me alone" Grace said as Douglas came out of the hydroloop. "What the heck happened to you?" Douglas asked. "That's exactly what we asked" Chase said. "What's going on?" Douglas asked. "Grace quit the academy" Chase said. "Chase!" Grace said. "Grace you can not quit. When I made your enrollment here, I made you account registered in the academy that your in the academy record book that you can't quit. Grace, I brought you here to help you" Douglas said. "Then you clearly haven't done your job right" Grace said going into the hydroloop and leaving. "She has quite a mouth on her" Douglas said. "Why is she acting like this?" Adam asked. "I have no idea" Douglas said.
Then in the training room. "I'm upset" Bob said. "Why are you upset?" Adam asked. "I miss Grace, I want her here" Bob said. "All of us want her here, trust us" Bree said. "I trust you, breezy" Bob said. "No Bob" Bree said. Douglas came in, "Guys you've got to see this". "What's the matter now?" Adam asked as they left. They went to Grace's room, everything was gone. "Everything is gone" Bree said. "Grace was quitting the academy for good. Why would she do that?" Chase asked. "I don't know but when I looked at the security footage in here, every moment since she came here Grace was crying" Douglas said. "What?" Bree asked. "What's making her down" Adam asked. "I'm not sure, but for now no one tells Donald. He's on a business trip for 5 days I know for sure we can get her back sooner than that" Douglas said.
4 days later.
"I can't believe we haven't gotten Grace back here yet" Douglas said. "What do you expect she's a teenager" Bree said. "She's always wanted to be a hero to the world, but something is stopping her now" Douglas.
In Mission Creek.
"Gracie" Tasha called for Grace from upstairs. "I'm not in the mood" Grace said. "Come on sweetheart you need to talk to someone" Tasha said. Grace came back down crying into her chest, "Why does it hurt so much?" "Sweetie I know your hurt, but you'll pull through I know you will. You've always been a fighter and you can handle anything. You are the most powerful being on the planet, which scares me a little right now, but I know you can" Tasha said. "I can't handle these feelings it's driving me nuts" Grace said. "This was nothing to quit over the academy for" Tasha said. "To me it was" Grace said.

Back at the academy. "How did Grace clean out her whole room and not put anything in it?" Adam asked. "She used a new invention, a different kind of thumb drive to put intimate objects in" Chase said. "Cool, I want one" Adam said. "For what?" Bree asked. "To put my camera and computer in for me and Bob's website. This one with the questions" Adam said. "Mine and Bob's" Chase corrected him. "Will you stop correcting me for once?" Adam asked. "Nope" Chase said. Douglas was getting her GPS location, "She's in Mission Creek with Tasha". "I'll get her" Chase said. "Of course you will" Bree said as they were about to go into the training room but a boomerang threw into through the academy braking the glass window. "What the heck" Adam said. "Adam you train while I go see what that was" Bree said. Chase left into the hydroloop. "Why do you get to" Adam asked. "Do what I say!" Bree said. "Fine" Adam said. Bree went outside and noticed a few guys outside of the academy. "Um who are you and why are you here?" Bree asked. The guys turned around. "We hate Donald Davenport we're trying to make his life miserable and destroy his academy" The Guy said. "Of course you are. Why?" Bree asked. "Well we were once fans of him and went to one of his conventions but when we told him about some of our ideas, he took them and put them out as his own" The Guy said. "That sounds like it. Okay what if I give you $500 to let this go and leave this island" Bree said. "We'll take it" The Guy said. Bree got money for them and gave it to them. The Guys snuck behind Bree and put booby traps around the academy and then left without her knowing.
"What was that?" Adam asked. "Some guys that hate Mr Davenport were trying to destroy the academy and i made them get over it and leave" Bree said. "I might've given them money" Bree said. "You know if you take any money from Davenport your gonna get in trouble" Adam said. "He'll never notice, he already has loads of money" Bree said. As they were about to go back to training they heard a clash. "What was that?" Adam asked. "Come on, and see" Bree said as she grabbed Adam's arm. "No worries I'll cover for you" Leo said sarcastically.
They went upstairs and noticed by the entry way of the mentor quarters Douglas was hanging from a rope. "This is what happened?" Adam asked. "I can't believe this is why we left the training room" Bree said. "Get me Down!" Douglas commanded. They got him down safely. "Why is there a booby trap in here?" Douglas asked. "I don't know" Adam and Bree said until Bree realized. "What?" Douglas asked Bree. "There were these guys that hate Davenport who were outside, who threw a boomerang in here destroying the wall" Bree said. "Oh I know who your talking about, Eric and Phillip" Douglas said. "Wait you know them?" Bree asked. "They went to a convention of mine and Davenport's for Davenport industries in the first place. When Eric showed Donald one of his inventions, Donald accidentally destroyed it. Phillip told him on new ideas that he took and went credited of his own. Plus there stupid, and funny looking" Douglas said. "They must've snuck in here and hooked up booby traps when I wasn't looking" Bree said. "Find them without getting hurt" Douglas said. "How can we be cautious when we have no idea what they did" Adam said. "Security footage" Bree said. "Oh yeah" Adam said.
They went downstairs, found the booby traps. "They put one in the training room?" Bree asked. "Ahhh" Leo said as he got caught in a net. Adam and Bree came in and got Leo down. "You okay?" Bree asked. "Yeah I'm completely fine, since I'm in a net" Leo said. They got the net off as Leo stood up. "What's going on?" Leo asked. "Two guys, Eric and Phillip are after Mr Davenport" Bree said. "Why?" Leo asked. "Why do people always ask follow up questions after that" Adam asked. "Mr Davenport destroyed one of their inventions and stole one for his own" Bree said. "Now I'm all up to date" Leo said. "They snuck in here and set ups booby traps" Bree said. "Okay then. Put this in the janitors closet" Leo said giving it to them. "Why?" Adam asked. "Hello if this happens again and we attack" Leo said. "Okay then" Adam said. "Would you people answer anything else back?" Leo asked. "Okay then" Adam said on purpose to annoy him. Leo was annoyed.
Back in Mission Creek.
"Hey Tasha, may I see Grace?" Chase asked. "I don't know she's pretty upset right now, I let her sleep it off in her room here" Tasha said. "So she's upset" Chase said. "Chase I don't know if it's a good idea about seeing her. She needs some girl time right now" Tasha said. Donald came in, "What are you doing here Chase?" "Um, Grace baked some cookies and we brought it over to her" Chase said hesitating. "Chase no excuses, tell him" Tasha said. "Tell me what?" Donald asked. "Okay fine, Grace decided to run off here to the circus" Chase hesitated. "Grace hates clowns, and yet she's had several nightmares about clowns that she would be with Douglas at night" Donald said. "Chase!" Tasha exclaimed. "Okay. Grace completely changed her personality, I think it's because she's upset. She quit the academy, told off Douglas and ran off here" Chase said. "No seriously what happened" Donald said as he chuckled not believing him. "Mr Davenport I'm telling the truth" Chase said. "He is Donald" Tasha said.

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