"Inside the truth"

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Previously on lab Rats.

A laser projector hit a beaker then hit on the walls reflecting. Bree held onto Grace as they were hit by the laser as They screamed.

They hugged and time traveled but into the future on tables in a lab. "Why are we here?" Grace asked. "Maybe someone in the future found out that we cracked time travel and went after us" Bree said.
they time traveled back home in the present. "While my power amplified it must've give you the ability to time travel" Grace said. "Having that power is dangerous, for example that lab!" Bree said. "Can we figure this out together instead of going to someone? For once I want to work for something" Grace said. "Okay" Bree said.

"Did you see that logo?" Grace asked. "No what was it?" Bree asked. "It was a Diamond with J. M. on it" Grace said. "What does that mean?" Bree asked. "Maybe where we were could possibly be was some sort of science company and J. M. could stand for the founder" Grace said.

"I'm working with Janet Millington, she's a scientist, inventor, CEO, and she built her own architecture for her company. I'm working with her" Donald asked. Grace looked at Bree when Donald said her name. "That's amazing" Grace said. "Thank you" Janet said. "Your welcome" Grace said. Donald and Janet walked off. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Bree asked. "Janet Millington" Grace said. "What about her?" Bree asked. "J. M." Grace said. Bree and Grace looked at each other in fright.

Janet was looking at Grace. "Aren't you leaving?" Grace asked. "Yes. Yes I am" Janet said as she took out one of her devices: a device that can suck a intimate object and/or person and scanned/sucked Grace putting her into her device then left.

Bree snuck into Janet's headquarters. Grace was in Janet's lab unconscious on lab tables. Janet was about to fry Grace's abilities as Bree charged in and grabbed Grace, dragging her. "No!" Janet hollored.

Janet Millington was watching them from the security footage. Aunt Elisabeth fired the laser at them removing/frying their power. "Let's see if it worked" Bree said as she took her hand out. Grace grabbed it as they thought of going to when they met to time travel, but it didn't work. Their power was gone. "It's really gone" Bree said. "Our sisterhood and friendship isn't though" Grace said.


In the main room. "Good morning" Bob said as he walked up to Chase and Bree. "Hey, what's up?" Bree asked. "Why are you grilling me?" Bob asked panicky with guilt. "We're not" Chase and Bree said. "What's going on?" Bree asked. "I might've snuck into Grace's lab and got blasted by a laser" Bob said. "What?" They said. "She still has that" Bree hollored. Chase made a confused face at Bree. "Grace got rid of her laser in the first place" Bree said. "Why would she do that?" Chase asked. "I knew we wouldn't have kept this from you very long" Bree said. "You kept something from me?" Chase asked. "Me and Grace had the power to time travel, and the reason why didn't tell you is that we knew that we can solve it on our own. If anything bad or dangerous has happened we would tell you. Something dangerous did happen yesterday before Grace's Grandma came here. She was taken from someone because of having the power to time travel, that's why she was missing" Bree said. "Who took her?" Chase asked. "Janet Millington" Bree said. "The lady Mr Davenport's working with?" Chase and Bob asked. "Yes" Bree asked. "Okay let me see if I can get this straight, Janet Millington who is a success is working with Davenport tried to take Grace away" Chase said. "Janet Millington is evil!" Bob and Bree said. Chase and Bree looked at Bob weird. "What I knew what you were implying Bree" Bob said. "Does Davenport know?" Chase asked. "Probably not" Bree and Bob said. "Wait a second, where's Grace?" Bree asked. "Oh she's in the janitors closet exploding and crying" Bob said. "Exploding?", "In a janitors closet?". Bree and Chase looked concerned at each other and ran off to the closet. They walked in seeing that Grace was out. "I'll bring Grace to Davenport's new lab and examine her" Chase said picking her up. "One more thing you should know, Grace's Grandma knows that we were time travelers and helped us getting Grace's Aunt to take our power away" Bree said. "Why would you take your power away?" Chase asked dropping Grace. "Hello! Grace!" Bree said. "I'll talk to you about this later" Chase said. "Ow!" Grace said as she was waking. Chase took Grace into Davenport's lab. Chase checked if Grace was still out or not. Grace was half way. "I'll still scan her" As Chase went to the desk. Chase pulled up a scanner that looks like a laser. Grace woke up, "What the heck?!? This doesn't make any sense! I got rid of my power to time travel to avoid this. Wait a second, Donald's face is all over this" as she turned seeing Chase, "Oh no". "I know, Bree told me everything" Chase said. "What?!?! I told her not to tell" Grace said. "Why would you do that?" Chase asked. Grace didn't say anything.

Lab rats FanFiction made by gracecrillyWhere stories live. Discover now