"Camp Island"

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In the morning Bree and Grace were asleep in the training area. Chase came in seeing them, "Grace, Bree wake up!" Bree woke up standing up. "Why are you two asleep in here?" Chase asked. Grace woke up, standing up. "We fell asleep in here training all night" Bree said. "All night" Grace said complaining. "You made me train with you" Bree said. "I didn't make you. I'm in so much pain" Grace said walking out. Bree and Chase walked with her, "You don't have to worry about training today, Mr Davenport let everyone have the day off of training. Well, Gella decided to train today with May". Grace walked out, to the student's dorm. "Hey Gella, May" Grace said walking up to them. "Hey" Gella said. "What are you doing?" Grace asked. "I was gonna train" Gella said. "Chase said that everyone has training off and I wanted to hang out with you" Grace said. "Oh, then I can blow off extra training" Gella said. "Why did you want to train on a day off?" Grace asked. "I like pushing myself in challenges" Gella said. "Yes she does because then she makes me as well" May said annoyed. "Quit complaining" Gella said.
In the main area Gella, May and Grace walked in. "Hey, do you need anything for training?" Chase asked. "I decided not to, instead I'm spending time with Grace" Gella said. "Wait a second, where's Adam?" Grace asked. "He wasn't in his capsule when I woke up" Chase said. "What?" Bree asked. Chase went in the cyberdesk for his GPS locator. "Where is he?" Bree asked. "That other island" Chase said. "What?" Bree asked freaking out. "What other island?" Grace asked. Bree turned back to Grace, "Last Halloween, Perry went to that island finding Douglas's evil past with a freaky skull that gives people a virus that wants to annihilate everyone". "That is just wrong and nuts" Grace and Gella, "That's awesome" May. Bree and Chase made a face at May like 'what is wrong with you?'. "We'll go get Adam back, Grace your in charge" Chase said. "Why can't we come with?" Grace asked. "We can't put Leo in charge" Chase said. "Why not?" Bree asked. "Okay fine you can come with us" Chase said. Leo came in, "What's going on?" "Adam is on that other island that's Douglas's, we need you to be in charge while we go get him" Bree said walking towards up to him. "All of you?" Leo asked. "They won't stay here as long as Grace keeps questioning me before I leave" Chase said. "Good point" Leo said.

They left to the other island.

"This place is so freaky" Grace said. "And disgusting" Gella said as something fell on her arm. "You wanted to come here" Bree said. "Where is Adam? The island is about a square mile" Chase asked. "It's a little over a square mile" Grace said. "She's right" Gella said. "Are you really trying to show me up in intelligence right now?" Chase asked annoyed. "Sorry" Grace said. "Why are you so moody" Bree asked. "Yeah the only ones moody are girls" Grace said. "That makes sense" Bree said. "How about instead of mocking and insulting me why don't we find Adam" Chase asked. "Okay, okay calm yourself" Grace said. "That's not a saying" May said. "Oh whatever" Grace said. As they kept walking Grace tripped in quicksand. "Okay why is there quicksand in this island?" Grace asked. "It looks more of the woods here, what do you think?" Bree asked. "Okay just help me" Grace said. Gella pulled Grace out. "How were you able to pull Grace out like that?" Bree and Chase asked. "I have super strength" Gella said. "I thought you had super speed" Chase said. "I thought you are super intelligent" Grace said. "I thought you have heat vision" Bree said. "I have all of those" Gella said. "You have mixed bionics?" Chase asked. "I thought you knew that already" Gella said. "No we didn't" Bree said. "Why do you have mixed bionics? The only reason why a human can have that as if there was several health issues in the body system in order it can grow" Chase said. "Uh" Gella said. "Just tell them, it won't be serious for them to know" May said. "Tell us what?" Bree asked crossing her arms. "Uh" Gella was saying.

Back on the island.

In the main area, Leo was in the cyberdesk on the tablet as Spin spinned into Leo pushing him to the ground dropping the tablet. "Spin! Why did you do that?" Leo asked getting up taking the tablet. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you. My bionics are glitching it's not all my fault" Spin said. "How often are they glitching?" Leo asked. "It's been a week and no one noticed" Spin said. "Spin the attention has been on Grace because of her accident and her recovery" Leo said. "I get that but I need help, but not from you" Spin said. "Spin, I'm in charge right now and if you need any help it would be from me" Leo said. "I'll just go to the mentors when they're back" Spin said leaving. "Spin! Oh whatever" Leo said. Taylor came in, "Hey Leo where are Adam, Bree and Chase I've been trying to get a hold of them?" "At another island because Adam snuck off to it" Leo said. "What island?" Taylor asked. "It's Douglas's with his evil past buried in it" Leo said. "Why would someone want to go there?" Taylor asked. "People who have no regard of human life and to save someone from being stupid" Leo said. "Okay then. Logan has been in his capsule for hours that he got locked in" Taylor said. "What?" Leo asked running out. Taylor went after him. Spin came out to the main area and went into the tablet to get communication from the mentor quarters.

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