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After this episode is Season 7 premiere, the videos are already on YouTube. I will put the intro in the next episode. And FYI I still can't get the season 6 trailer uploaded on here

In the bowling alley. Grace was playing with Leo and Spin. "Hey would you get me a lemonade?" Grace asked. "Sure" Leo said. Grace picked up a ball about to throw it but it was stuck to her hand with glue. Adam was spying on them and came in, "Can't believe you fell for that". "I hate you" Grace said (teasing way). Adam ripped it off of her hand as she screamed. "That hurt?" Adam asked. "Oh no, I just screamed for fun yes it hurt" Grace said. "Please don't tell me you two are having prank war again" Leo said. "Great idea" Adam said. "That wasn't a suggestion!" Leo said. Adam left. "Nothing is a suggestion to him" Grace said.
Grace was walking down into the cafeteria. In the entry way coming in she stepped in a rope trap, "Whoa! Really Adam? Get me down!" Chase walked over to her, "Don't do anything that you can get hurt more" as he was trying to take the knot out of the rope. "It would be stupid if I used my heat vision to get free. How is that knot right enough?" Grace asked. "I don't know" Chase said. Adam was in the main area and used his heat vision on the knot. "Ow!" Grace said as she fell down. "Grace please tell me your okay" Chase said. "I'm okay" Grace said as Chase helped her up. "Okay no more pranks!" Chase said. "Oh come on" Adam said. "I'm not doing this to Kill your joy, I'm doing this because you could hurt someone. You almost seriously hurt her" Chase said. "Dude, you did that to me and I didn't get seriously hurt" Adam Said. "You broke your arm and your confidence" Chase said. "That's not that bad" Adam said. "Yes it is. This is the last time I'm saying this, no more pranks" Chase said as he left. "This is war, your on!" Grace said. "If you say so" Adam said as he left.
Grace went in her room, got her laser pointer and tennis ball machine. Then set it up into the wall and in the very corner on the ceiling.

Adam later was training his students and then gave them a break. Grace (in her room) shot the lasers at Adam several times. "Ow!" Adam kept saying. Grace was laughing. "Grace!" Adam yelled. Grace started the tennis ball machine throwing several balls at him at once. "Grace stop it" Adam yelled. Adam heard someone coming and thought it was Chase and started cleaning up the tennis balls. Adam put them in a bin.
"What's going on in here?" Bree and Chase asked. "Um I zoned out having a nightmare and started screaming" Adam said. "Okay then" Bree and Chase said as they left.

"Your on Grace" Adam plotting his revenge.

In the main room. "Okay that's his weirdest thing I've heard out of his mouth" Chase said. "It's Adam, you've met him" Bree said. Chase sneezed. "Bless you, you okay" Bree asked. "Allergies I'm guessing" Chase said. "Huh" Bree said. Toby, Grace's dog came out. "Awe, that's the cutest puppy ever" Bree said as she picked him up. "That explains that" Chase said. "You allergic to dogs, the cutest thing. I'm guessing Grace kept him in her room because she knows that your allergic and he probably got out. I'll bring him back to her" Bree said as she walked out. Bree came in. "Hey you didn't knock" Grace said. "I can't because I have a fluffball in my hands that I believe he belongs to you. Make sure you keep you have an eye on him" Bree said. "Got it" Grace said trying to hide the her computer hacked into the security camera. "What are you hiding" Bree asked. "Nothing" Grace said. Bree took her computer, "Hey!". "You were pranking Adam! That's why he was yelling" Bree said. "Don't tell Chase" Grace said. "Okay there's been secret after secrets in this family, there's no more hiding things from each other" Bree said. "Okay, can you at lest keep it to yourself not technically keeping a secret, you know it but only say something if he asks" Grace said. "Okay fine" Bree said as she left.

In the main room. "Hey Leo, have you seen Bob? I haven't seen him since I gave my students a break" Adam asked. "You lost him?" Leo asked. "I misplaced him" Adam Said. They started looking around. Chase came up to Leo in the mentor quarters. "Are you looking for something?" Chase asked. "No I'm not" Leo said guilty. "Are you hiding something? Is it about Grace" Chase asked. "It's not about Grace. Bob is lost" Leo said. "What?" Chase asked. "We have to find him before Donald or Douglas finds out" Leo said. "Yeah" Chase said. They looked around in the whole academy. "He must be outside" Chase said. "Come on" Leo said. Leo and Chase ran out.
Adam followed them.
"Bob! There you are, we've been looking for you everywhere" Chase said. "Why?" Bob asked. "You never came back after break" Adam said. "I wanted a longer break, I'm in pain" Bob said. "What's bothering you?" Chase asked. "My ankle" Bob said. "From yesterday?" Adam asked. "Yeah" Bob said. Chase and Leo looked at Adam. "We were out here yesterday and playing catch for hand eye coordination, he ended up dropping the basketball on his ankle. He doesn't know his own strength" Adam said. "Maybe I should fix your chip with you in your capsule" Chase said. "K" Bob said.
Bob went in his capsule. Chase was in the cyberdesk altering his strength. Chase then went in the student dorm. "Now take awhile off and ice or heat your ankle. Remember to have it 20/20, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off" Chase said. "Okay, thanks" Bob said.
Adam finished training. Bree took the training room with her team. Chase came In, "Hey Bree do you know where Grace is?" "In her room" Bree said.
In Grace's room, she was in a pool simulator. Grace was swimming in her room. Chase was about to open the door, but Grace pushed her foot on the door keeping him away. "Grace what are you doing in there?" Chase asked. Grace turned off her simulator and turned in back into her room. Grace put a towel on her and let him in. "Why are you in- Grace stopped him, "I have several simulator rooms, I can changed my room into a different room. I was in my pool simulator". Grace changed her room a few times to show him: pool table room, makeup room, pool room, music studio, art room, gym room etc. .
"That's really cool until you got me wet" Chase said. "Your not taking my invention!" Grace said In her vocal manipulation in a angry man voice. "Okay! Calm down. I'm okay with this unless you train in here when the training room is taken. Rather than that I would like it for you being in the training room" Chase said. "Okay" Grace said. Chase was about to leave but realized something, "Where did you sleep last night?" "Gella's capsule" Grace said. "Yeah that's fine since she's only here like temporarily now" Chase said. "Okay" Grace said as Chase left.

Lab rats FanFiction made by gracecrillyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя