"In the storm"

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In the main area Chase was on the phone with Grace, "Come back to the island". "Why can't I just stay here?" Grace asked. "Because you should be here first of all and second it's gonna storm an half hour, get here now" Chase said. "Fine grumpy" Grace said. Chase gasped. Grace came back on the island in three minutes. "Happy I'm here now?" Grace said in annoyed voice. "Yeah because it's gonna storm and don't you remember what happened last time it stormed? Me and you got locked in the hydroloop almost in the middle of the ocean and you got struck by lightning" Chase said. "Yeah I know which I don't want relive again" Grace said. "Exactly, I did that because of I care about you I don't to see you get hurt" Chase said. "I know. I love you but you can be overprotective to me, enough to make me go insane" Grace said. Chase rolled his eyes and starting pushing Grace to her room. Grace laughed then ran out. "Grace is here?" Leo asked coming out of the training room. "Yeah" Chase said. "Good, I have a surprise for Grace" Leo said. "Can I see it?" Chase asked. "Grace is in her room right?" Leo asked. "Yeah why" Chase asked. Leo knocked on the side of the training room, a puppy came out. "You're giving her a puppy?" Chase asked. "It's not just a puppy, it's her's" Leo said as he picked the puppy up. "What?" Chase asked. "Grace got a dog last year before coming to the academy but lost him" Leo said. "How did you find him then?" Chase asked. "Remember two days ago when I went back to Mission Creek?" Leo asked. "No" Chase said. "Well I went back there because I left my computer, but when I was leaving this one followed me here" Leo said. "Then how do you know that this is Grace's dog" Chase asked. "Excuse me Toby doesn't like to be called 'this is'" Leo said. "Is that his name?" Chase asked. "Yep, I'm gonna go surprise her now. And this" Leo said showing him the tag collar. "Oh" Chase said. Leo put Toby in a box a piece of paper with holes in it.
At Grace's room. "Grace can I come in?" Leo asked. "Yep. What do you need?" Grace asked as Leo came in. "I was hoping for a different reaction when coming through the door" Leo said. "Why?" Grace said getting off the bed and standing up. "Your not curious what this is?" Leo asked. "What is that?" Grace asked. "You open it, its from me" Leo said. "It's not even my birthday" Grace said. "Just open it" Leo said. "What did you do?" Grace asked. "Will you open it? I know your gonna be happy so open it" Leo said. "Okay" Grace said. Grace took the sheet off. Grace gasped picking Toby up. "Oh my god, Toby?" Grace asked. "Yes" Leo said. Grace put Toby down hugging Leo, "Thank you so much. How did you find him?" "He followed me back here when I was at Mission Creek getting my computer back" Leo said. "Oh" Grace said. "I'm glad you have him now" Leo said. "Wait a sec, isn't Chase allergic to dogs" Grace asked. "Well yes but if you keep him in here and away from him he would be okay" Leo said. Grace made a face like 'not a bad idea' as Leo left.

Grace played with Toby in her room for awhile, then fell asleep. Twenty minutes later, Chase came in Grace's room. "Hey Grace, I need your help" Chase was saying until he saw Grace asleep. Chase took her lego bin and threw it on top of her, waking Grace up. "What the?" Grace said. "I need your help" Chase said. "For once you need my help, this should be interesting. What do you need?" Grace said moving the Legos and standing up. Chase grabbed her and brought her to the mentor quarters.

In the mentor quarters. "You know instead of pulling me you could've just told me and I would've been happy to do whatever you need" Grace said. "Do you really expect me to believe that?" Chase asked. "Half of it. 50/50 percent I wouldn't mind doing things for you and then not caring" Grace said. "When you were on this computer last you left a virus on it and froze the computer" Chase said. "Oh" Grace said. Grace ran to the computer. "How do you get rid of a virus?" Grace asked. "You don't know?" Chase asked. "Not really" Grace said. "I don't even know how to get rid of it since the virus you created is unexplanatory for me to understand. You basically blocked the whole system of the computer" Chase said. "Uh oh" Grace said worried. Chase made a face at her😒. "Maybe Douglas would understand, I'll go get him" Chase said leaving. A minute later, Grace was asleep on the couch as Douglas and Chase came in. "Seriously?" Chase asked. Chase pulled the blanket off of her to fall off the couch. "You are so annoying" Grace said. Douglas went to the computer, "What the heck". "I don't even understand" Chase said. "I know why you don't, all of this is accessed to Grace's intelligence chip" Douglas said. "It is?" Chase asked. "Yes, I the last time I was in here with her I hooked up her chip into the computer. I bet I left it up to long that it caused a virus. Grace must have neck pain then" Douglas explained whispering. "Do you know how to fix it?" Chase asked. "The only way I could is to put Grace's chip in me so I can more Intell about this" Douglas said. "I can take it out now since she's fully asleep now" Chase said. "How do you know that?" Douglas asked. "She's quietly lightly snoring, it's so cute" Chase said taking the chip extractor walking to Grace. Chase lifted Grace back up on the couch, turning her to the side getting her chip out. Chase fixed Grace's position on the couch. "There" Chase said then going to Douglas and giving it to him. Chase put the chip in Douglas. "Okay now this makes more sense" Douglas said. "What is it?" Chase asked. "The problem in her chip" Douglas said. "Problem? What problem?" Chase asked. "There's something wrong with her speed, strength and vocal manipulation. They have the same problem her bionic system is messing with her human system, the data of her bionics is glitching with her system to make her body out of whack" Douglas said. "Grace is getting more in pain because if her bionics" Chase said. "Exactly. This code will fix it if I could figure it out" Douglas said. "If you have Grace's chip in couldn't you figure it out" Chase asked. "I hate to say this but-" Douglas was saying until Chase stopped him, "But what?" "If I had your chip with her's I would be able to figure it out" Douglas said. "Are you insane?" Chase asked. "Chase!" Douglas said. "Okay fine" Chase said. Chase removed his chip and gave it to him. Douglas first looked at it. "What are you doing?" Chase asked. "Your's is the more basic intelligence chip, Grace's has more upgrades. I wonder if that's the problem" Douglas asked. Douglas looked back at it. "Is it?" Chase asked. "Yes, it needs to be at a regular level of an upgrade rather than what she has" Douglas said. Douglas changed the level, braking the code, solving the equation. "Fixed it, you can take your chip back" Douglas said as Chase was already doing that before he said that. "What?" Chase asked as Douglas looked at him weird then left the room.

Chase woke Grace up, "What do you want?" "Don't you want dinner?" Chase asked. "Oh yeah" Grace said as she got up, superspeeding out and then coming back with food, sitting back down on the couch. "You can cook while superspeeding?" Chase asked. "I don't know how it works" Grace said. "Okay then" Chase said as he left the room. Grace ate dinner then fell asleep. Half an hour later. It was storming. In the main area. "Get everyone in the training room now" Chase said to Bree. Bree superspeeded getting the students in the training room. Everyone was in the training room. "Where's Grace?" Adam asked. "She's in here, I grabbed her" Bree said. They looked around, "No she isn't". "Get Grace" Leo said. Chase ran out to the mentor quarters. "Grace get up" Chase said. "Huh?" Grace asked. The wind came inside. "Get up, we need to get out now" Chase asked. "What's going on?" Grace asked. "It's storming" Chase said. Grace got up, tried to walk out but then was blown by the wind that she almost flew out as Chase grabbed her hands. Chase tried to pull her walking out of the room, he almost let her go. "Chase!" Grace screamed. "Keep holding on" Chase said as he got both o her hands again. Chase kept pulling her. The wind was strong enough that Grace blew out of his hands. Grace held onto the bar by the pool. "Grace!" Chase said running to her. Chase stayed back by the wall so he wouldn't fly out as well. "Can you use your telekinesis to move me? I don't want you flying off as well" Grace asked. "With the wind I don't think so" Chase said. "Are you sure?" Grace asked. "Yes, just try to reach out to my hand" Chase said giving out his hand. Grace used her all of her strength leaning on the pole, pushing her body against it. Grace took his hand, Chase pulled her out. Grace and Chase fell to the ground. They stood up and ran out. Back in the main area. "Wait a second? Where's my chip?" Grace asked. "Douglas has it" Chase said. "Why?" Grace asked. "To figure out about the computer that you weren't able to understand" Chase said. Grace rolled her eyes, "I can deal without it for a little awhile but I want it back" Grace said. "I'll get it okay" Chase said. Chase got her chip back from Douglas and gave it back to her.

Grace walked out of the main area. "Where are you going?" Chase asked. "My room" Grace said. "If your going in your room, I'm coming with you" Chase said. "Fine" Grace said. In Grace's room. Grace and Chase were on Grace's bed. Grace held onto Chase putting her head on Chase's shoulder. Grace's pictures, shelves, posters fell to the ground. Grace held on him tighter. "I love you, but ow!" Chase said. "Sorry!" Grace said. The storm kept going til later at night, 10 pm. "You okay?" Chase asked. "I'm good" Grace said. "Your stuff isn't" Chase said as he got up from the bed. Chase fixed Grace's pictures, posters and her shelf. "Thanks" Grace said. "Your welcome" Chase said. "Okay I know this is gonna sound weird but can I sleep by you in your capsule tonight? Storms freak me out" Grace asked getting up from the bed. "Yeah sure, I wouldn't mind" Chase said. "Thanks" Grace said.

In the mentor quarters, Chase and Grace were going to bed and went in Chase's capsule. After Bree brought the students back to the student's dormitory, she went in the mentor quarters seeing Chase and Grace asleep in the capsule. "What the heck?" Bree said. Adam came in, "What the?" "Don't judge me" Grace said waking up. "Why do you always say that? Is that your catchphrase or something to annoy people?" Adam asked. "Yes" Grace said. "To which one?" Bree asked. "Both" Grace said. "Okay goodnight" Adam and Bree said going into their capsules.


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