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That's impossible! That pesky bug never makes a mistake, Hawkmoth stomped his foot with frustration,

After coming back from his secret lair Gabriel looks toward Natalie's desk, when she suddenly dashed out the door with her hand over her mouth.

Meanwhile with Natalie: ugh, I still feel like shit, I don't think this is food poisoning, wait there's no way, After about 30 minutes of vomiting and decision making she finally decided,

Natalie sat on the bathroom floor, tears threatend to fall when she looked at the positive pregnancy test in her hand

Suddenly she heard a knock on the bathroom door, she jumped up and quickly hid the pregnancy test, Gabriel walked over to the shaking woman, Nath... are you alright, yes sir I'm sorry for running out of the office,

Don't be sorry nath, but tell me are you actually alright, you were gone for 30 minutes I got worried.

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