Month 1

59 2 0

Every morning started off the same, end up not eating because of the smell or taste of something could make her vomit, end up vomiting any ways, this was exhausting for her.

Gabriel was very concerned for Natalie because she had so much pressure put on her due to her pregnancy, Natalie you don't need to continue this pregnancy, thanks for your concern Gabriel but I'm afraid that I'm to attached to this baby.

Ok but just be careful, Natalie smiled then continued her work but after a few hours her morning sickness hit again, ugh, she tried to stop it but needed to run out of the office.

After 20 minutes she came back into the office exhausted, Gabriel walked over to her and picked her up, Gabriel what are you doing? You where just throwing up you should rest a bit.

But- no buts now listen to me Nath please, f-fine but only for 5 minutes, he hated seeing her like this but she gave in alot easier, Gabriel gently laid her on the couch.

He kissed her forehead and walked back to his podium, Natalie soon drifted off into a peaceful slumber, Gabriel pov: she's so cute when she's asleep, I hope you feel better my Natalie.

20 minutes after Natalie fell asleep she woke up to Gabriel yelling at someone on the phone, G-Gabriel what's wrong? Oh sorry love I didn't mean to wake you up.

It's ok but what time is it? It's 12:35 why, Natalie shot up, what how long was I asleep!? Calm down Natalie your body  needed that, Natalie put her hand on her flat stomach, I guess your right Gabriel.

Natalie pov: should I really continue this pregnancy? It's really taking a toll on my physical health, these thoughts kept crossing her mind.

Love are you ok? Yes I'm fine just thinking, ok because you look really stressed.

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