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It's been 5 years since Nate was born: Natalie, Gabriel wined, yes Gabriel, I want another one, another what? He put his hand on her stomach another baby.

Are you joking or something Gabriel, no Nath I'm serious about this, he said looking her straight in the eyes, ugh I don't want admit this but... I do too.

1 week later: Gabriel Agreste! Adrian and Marinette were visiting when they heard Natalie screaming at Gabriel, what is it Natalie?

Suddenly Marinette saw something fly past Gabriel's head, Natalie are you alright? Marinette walked over to were Natalie through the flying object at Gabriel.

Bug is that you?! Yes it's me Nath, oh Bug it's nice to hear from you aga- Natalie slammed the door when her morning sickness hit again.

Natalie are you alright!? All Marinette could hear was Natalie coughing and vomiting, Nath open the dam door now, Gabriel walked over and put his hand on her shoulder, she's fine Marinette.

How do you know!? Because she's pregnant Gabriel said holding the positive pregnancy test in front of her, Adrian came over, what did I miss? Natalie's pregnant Adrian.

What Mom's pregnant!? Yes we all just found out together, Natalie opened the door her eyes filling with tears when she saw Adrian, Adrian I missed you, I missed you too mom.

Dad just told me your pregnant, oh did he, Natalie narrowed her eyes and looked at Gabriel, well you two I know that look and I better run before she kills me, wait what, Gabriel I'm going to end you for getting me pregnant again!

Suddenly Natalie started crying, s-stupid mood s-swings, Mom are you ok? Y-yes I'm fine just mood swings, oh those are back? Unfortunately yes it comes with the baby.

Natalie is it safe now? Gabriel asked peeking around the corner, yes Gabriel I'm fine now.

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