Natalie's Secret

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It's been 2 years since Eri and Lia where born, Adrian and Marinette were watching a movie when Natalie fell to the ground in a coughing fit, Mom! I'm alright Adrian.

The next morning: Natalie woke up and ran to the bathroom waking up Gabriel, hon-, Natalie sat on the bathroom floor vomiting, Nath! I-im fine, he picked her up and put her in their bed.

Wait, what is it Nath, give me a sec, Natalie went into the bathroom, 5 minutes later: Natalie are you alright, she opened the door, yes I'm fine.

3 months later: ugh, Natalie leaned back in her chair undoing her blazer forgetting that Gabriel was in the office.

She put her hand on her baby bump, Gabriel just stared at her in disbelief, why hadn't she told him, N-Nath, she shot up looking at him, I forgot you were in here, he walked over turning her chair to face him.

Why didn't you tell me your pregnant, because I thought you wouldn't want another baby, she said looking down at her stomach.

I'm not leaving you there don't worry

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