Week 2: Winter Green

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Jaxx: You're safe now Sora.

*Buzz Buzz*

Info-kun: Congratulations on eliminating our rival. Although I thought you were gonna kill her but framing her is better for her family.

Jaxx: So what? You just want to see others...suffer?

Info-kun: No. I just thought you would kill her. That's it.

Jaxx: So what do you want this time?!

Info-kun: Take a look at this particular student.


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Jaxx: ....

Info-kun: Her name is Winter Green. She's the leader of the Gardening Club. She's has love eyes on your little senorita Sora.

Jaxx: ....

Info-kun: Nothing to say?

Jaxx: I know who she is. She's my friend!

Info-kun: Wow.

Jaxx: I can't believe that I trusted her! I just want to cut her into tiny little pieces and force her cat to eat her!

Info-kun: There's the murder vengeance. You have until Friday at 6:00PM to eliminate this rival.


Alex: I can't believe that Brooklyn was arrested. I thought she was a nice person.

Winter: Umm who's Brooklyn?

Charli: I thought you knew.

Winter: I was sick last week remember?

Charli: Oh right.Well just to catch you up, there was this new girl who came all the way from Japan. She turned out to be a yandere and that's how she was arrested.

Winter: Oh I think I saw her on TV. She was sentenced to life in prison.

Levi: Wait really? I thought she was sentence to death.

Winter: Levi shut up! Just because Brooklyn's a girl that doesn't mean she get the death penalty!

Sora: Can you guys please shut up about last week?!

Alex: Oh. Sorry Sora. I forgot Brooklyn was your childhood friend.

Winter: Speaking of childhood friend, has anyone seen Jaxx?

Sora: I think I saw him in the student council room.

Winter: Weird. I think I might join the student council.

Levi: Why exactly?

Winter: I said I might join Levi. I'm not actually going to join. Anyways I gotta go to the garden. Are you coming Sora?

Sora: Yeah I'll be there.

                 °{ Tuesday}°

Jaxx: ( You are going to pay!  After your little flirt with Sora is over, you'll never see the sunlight again.)

Winter: Here. It's your favorite.

Sora: Wow. A Blue Rosalie is my favorite.  How did you know? 

Winter: A-Alex told me. She said that a Blue Rosalie is your favorite type of flower. So I decided to give you four.

Sora: Hmm. Actually Winter, let's share.

Winter: W-What? Are you sure? Am I hesitating a little?! I'm not blushing am I?! You can give those  other flowers to someone else.

Sora: Hehehe. No Winter, I want to give you two of these flowers. You've been the only one who cheered me up when my friend was arrested. So to return the favor, I'll give you these flowers.

Winter: Wow. No one ever gives me flowers. Thanks Sora! You're the bestest friend I've ever had in my whole life.

Sora: No problem Winter.

Winter: ( He gave me flowers!! Not only that Sora's cute, he's an amazing friend! I even saw him blushed. I guess the rumor is true. The Blue Rosalie does mean that we're meant to be together.  I do feel bad about lying to Jaxx, but as long as he doesn't know then I'll be fine.)

          °{ A few minutes later}° 

Sora: Winter this has been going on for a few minutes and I really gotta go to the bathroom.

Winter: Oh. Sorry it's just no one has ever been nice to me before. You'll be back right?

Sora: Of course I will. Be back in a minute.

Winter: Okay So-so. ( So-so?! What kind of nickname is that?! Ugh! Come on Winter! You've finally had the chance to win Sora's affections a little bit and now it's gone. I know I can do better than that. )

            °~{ A few seconds later}~°

Winter: Oh hey Jaxx. Umm what are you doing with that flower pot?.... Wait! Don't come any closer! Sora! Alex! Anyone please help me!!!


                  °~{ Sunday}~° 

Sora: Why would anyone do this to her? What did she do to him?

???: You okay?

Sora: Yeah just devastated about Winter's death.

???: Did you had feelings for her?

Sora: yeah I did but I've should've gone to the bathroom before leaving Winter all by herself. What's your name by the way?

???: My name is Felix Harris. I'm part of the music club.

Sora: Wait you're Felix from Stray Kids?

Felix: NO! Why does everyone keep saying that?!

Sora: I was just kidding. Aren't you related to Lily Harris.

Felix: Yeah she's my little sister.

Sora: Felix what are you doing to me?  Why are you touching my-

Felix: Ssh. I need a little help with my music. You wanna help me? 

Sora: Sure.

Felix: Follow me. ( He's so cute. He might not be into boys but if I continue to cast a love spell on him then he'll love me. )

❤~Love me~💙\\ Soraxx// inquisitormaster// Yandere AUWhere stories live. Discover now