Week 10: Amy Smith pt.2

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Jaxx: ..... (Where am I?)

???: Did you tie him up Jaylnn?

Jaylnn: Yes.

Jaxx: Jaylnn?

???: Ssh. It's okay Jaxx.

Jaxx: Amy! Where am I?! Why am I tied up?!

Amy: Hahaha.  I just wanted to ask you this one question sweetie. Why.

Jaxx: Why what?

Amy: Why did you break up with me?! We were the most popular couple in middle school until you ruined it! You ruined our relationship and my birthday! And now you're trying to steal the love of my life?!

Jaxx: Why am I here?!

Amy: Because! You broke up with me and I want to know why! What did I do to you?! Why did you break up with me?!

Jaxx: Oh my G- Amy for the last time, let it go! Just because I broke up with you that doesn't mean-

Amy: I loved you for 6 years straight and this is how you repay me?! By breaking up with me?!

Jaxx: .....

Amy: What do you want to say?

Jaxx: If I tell you the real reason why I broke up with you will you let me go?!

Amy: No! The reason why I kidnapped you was because after our breakup, I've been planning to kill you. But I don't want to get arrested. So, I'm letting your little mind slave do all the work for me.

Jaxx: Jaylnn!

Amy: Here Jaylnn use this gun I stole from my dad. It's best if you shoot him in the heart so he can feel how heartbroken I am. Bye Jaxx.

Jaxx: Jaylnn please!  You're my favorite sister you won't do this to your own brother.

Jaylnn: .... I knew I was your favorite sister.

Jaxx: What the hell?! How are you not- I thought I drugged your tea.

Jaylnn: Hehe. Hahaha.

Jaxx: What's so funny?

Jaylnn: Funny thing about that, you gave me the wrong tea.

Jaxx: So that means...

Jaylnn: Yep. You accidentally put yourself to sleep.

Jaxx: But how did you-

Jaylnn: There's a thing called acting big bro. You should take some notes.

Jaxx: Whatever. You're not gonna kill me are you?

Jaylnn: Of course not. After all you are my favorite brother. So I'm gonna help you win Sora's heart. I remember him saying that his favorite flower is a Blue Rosalie, he loves the color red, he likes boys who are really tall especially if they're 6'3, loves people who are a farmer, and Sora loves it when people sing really good.

Jaxx: ( I'm his type. I knew it.) Wait a minute, are you sure that's who's Sora's into?

Jaylnn: Bruh! You're literally his type. You're favorite color is red, you're 6'3, you farm potatoes, and you're a really good singer. All we need is to find a bouquet of Blue Rosalies.

Jaxx: How are we gonna find Blue Rosalies under 1 minute?

Jaylnn: The flower shop three blocks away from our house. Duh!

Jaxx: You're just jealous that I'm Sora's type unlike you.

Jaylnn: Do you want me shoot you with this gun?!

Jaxx: No.

Jaylnn: Then shut up and let me help you. Maybe we should try the Garden first.

Jaxx: Good idea.

Jaylnn: Alright. Let's go win your senpai.

Jaxx: um Jaylnn. I'm still tied up.

Jaylnn: Oh right I forgot about that.

           { A few hours later}

Sora: Amy.

Amy: Yes Sora?

Sora: Have you seen Jaxx?

Amy: Why do you care?! It's not like you like him or anything.

Sora: I wanted to talk to him about something. Relax!

Amy: ..... Anyway. Do you have any plans today.

Sora: No I don't think so. Why?

Amy: I have something to give you. Close your eyes.

Sora: Okay.

Amy: Open!

Sora: What is that?

Amy: It's a letter from your secret admirer.

Sora: ( I have a secret admirer? )

Amy: Well aren't you gonna open it?

Sora: Fine. " Meet me at the Confession tree after school tonight. xoxo, your secret admirer. " ( I think I know who my secret admirer is.)

                《 Later 》

Jaylnn: Okay. That should be enough. Now tonight is your chance to confess your love to him.

Jaxx: What about Amy? She's planning to confess her love to Sora tonight as well.

Jaylnn: Leave that to me.

To be continued....

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