Bad ending part.2

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{A/N: I forgot to add this before the " A few weeks later" Chapter. I might add a sneek peak. After the sneak peek. I'm officially finished with this story. I just have one more question tho. Should I make an Alevi Yandere AU or a Charlight Yandere AU? Or a Charluca one. You decide! Anyway on with the chapter.}

Jaxx: You know what Sora, You've been stuck in this chair for a couple of days now. So I'm deciding to let you go.

Sora: Really?!

Jaxx: But. That doesn't mean you're leaving this basement. You promised me that you'll leave me.

Sora: Out of curiosity. What happens if I do leave you? ( I don't even know why I asked.)

Jaxx: Hahahaha. Oh you'll see baby. You'll see.

Sora: Do not call me baby.

Jaxx: Gladly. My adorable blueberry angel.

Sora: ......

Jaxx: *gasp* Aww! You're blushing! I knew you would love it. Just like you love me and me only.

Sora: Yeah.

Jaxx: You know Sweetie. You haven't confirmed that we're dating.

Sora: Jaxx give one reason why I should do that? You killed my friends, you kidnapped me, and then you threatened to kill me if I ever try to leave you.

Jaxx: What part of "I did it for us" do you not understand?

Sora: I-

Jaxx: I don't want anyone to love you as much as I do. And I know you love me too.

Sora: What?!

Jaxx: Come on Sora. You just said you loved me. All you have to do is say you'll be my boyfriend. Then we can both go through our love together!

Sora: Does you're parents know about this?! Does Jaylnn know about this?

Jaxx: I don't think you should know what I did to my parents.

Sora: Jaxx... Did you-

Jaxx: Ssh. You're soooooooo cute. No wonder why those people can't look away from you. Love you so much.

Sora: ..... { Just go along with it Sora.} I... I love yo-

???: Sora! Don't say that sentence to this psycho!

Sora: Amy!

Jaxx: I thought I killed you!

Amy: Hahaha!  You only stabbed me in the stomach. I'm here to save you Sora! Remember our little promise?

Jaxx: What promise?

Amy: Hehehe. When Sora accepted my love he promised to never leave.

Jaxx: Sora?

Sora: .... She's not joking.

Jaxx: Hehehe. Hahaha.

Amy: What the hell is wrong with you?!

Jaxx: I didn't want to do this in front of Sora, but you left me no choice. A gold digging brat like you shouldn't be dating such an innocent guy.

Amy: ......

Jaxx: I can't believe I wasted half of my love life dating you! I'm gonna finish the job so Sora could finally be mine.

Sora: Jaxx no!

{ Jaxx pulled out his knife and stabbed Amy 37 time in the neck. Sora closed his eyes so he wouldn't see the horror. After Jaxx was finished with Amy, he looked at Sora with his lovesick eyes. Jaxx walked over to Sora and kissed him. }

Jaxx: Hahahahahaha! I forgot you're an amazing kisser. Now that Amy's gone for good. You love me don't you?

Sora: Uhhh.... Of course! I was only joking around. You know how I get. Hehehe. 

Jaxx: Oh Sora! You really are a kidder sometimes. Now that I have you all to myself, we can finally be together!  All you have to do is to just say the words.... go ahead. I'm waiting.

Sora: ...... Jaxx. Will you be my......

Jaxx: Yes?

Sora: Boyfriend?

Jaxx: Yes! I love you so so so much my adorable blueberry angel!  I gotta tell Jaylnn about this! See you later baby.

💔🔪~ The End~💔🔪

❤~Love me~💙\\ Soraxx// inquisitormaster// Yandere AUWhere stories live. Discover now