Week 9: Jaylnn

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                 °~{ Tuesday}~°

Jaylnn: Sora guess what.

Sora: What happened?

Jaylnn: I got an A+ on my love letter. Thanks for your help Sora!

Sora: No problem. Anything for a friend.

Jaylnn: You haven't answered my question yet. Who were you thinking about?

Sora: Can we not talk about this in front of everybody?!

Jaylnn: Fine. Follow me to the janitors closet.

Sora: Why the janitors closet? Why can't we just whisper?

Jaylnn: Because I can't hear you when you whisper. Now come on.

Sora: Okay!

°~{ Inside the janitors closet}~°

Jaylnn: Okay Sora. Now that we're alone, you have the chance to answer my question.

Sora: I was thinking about your brother. There you happy?! I answered your question now you have to answer mine. Why can't you let Alex invite the students council president to her Halloween party?

Jaylnn: .... I'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone about this. Not even your own family.

Sora: Just tell me.

Jaylnn: Do you know who Amy Smith is?

Sora: Yeah she's the new student council president. Why?

Jaylnn: *sigh* Because she's Jaxx's ex-girlfriend. They were the most popular couple in Elementary and Middle school. Until Amy did something really stupid.

Sora: What did she do.

Jaylnn: She spread rumors about Jaxx saying that he punched her, pulled Amy's hair, and was only using her just because of her popularity. When Jaxx found out in 8th grade, he broke up with Amy on her birthday.

Sora: Damn why did Jaxx broke up with Amy on her birthday.

Jaylnn: I kinda told him to break up with Amy. She was b-word. But that's not the point. After the break up Amy's been plotting to kill Jaxx. She even hired some weird guy to kill Jaxx for her.

Sora: How long were they together for?

Jaylnn: I think they started dating when they were in 2nd grade. So that means that they were together for 6-7 years. You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this.

Sora: Why not?

Jaylnn: Because if Amy finds out that I told you about her and Jaxx's relationship she'll kill me.

Sora: ..... Okay. I promise I won't tell anyone.

Jaylnn: I knew I could trust you.

* Bell rings *

Jaylnn: Come on Sora. Alex wants us to meet her at the squad house.

Sora: Oh right.

       °~{ At the squad house}~°

Sora: Hey guys.

Amy: Heyy Sora.

Jaylnn: AMY?!



Amy: Great! First Jaxx shows up and now his little sister shows up here with Sora?!

❤~Love me~💙\\ Soraxx// inquisitormaster// Yandere AUWhere stories live. Discover now