Week 8: Crystal Hair

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       °~{ Monday/ after class}~° 

Sora: You wanted to see me Ms.-

Crystal: I told you don't call me by my last name. Call me by my first name darling.

Sora: Your name's Crystal right?

Crystal: That's right my adorable blueberry angel.

Sora: ( I think I just threw up a little bit.) Listen can you just tell me what you need? I have a meeting with the student council president and she doesn't like it when I'm late.

Crystal: It's not that important right now. Meet me back here when you're done with you're meeting. Okay?

Sora: I...

Crystal: Great now see you later.

Sora: Bye I guess.

°~{ Inside the student council room}~°

Sora: So let me get this straight: There's a killer in this school which is why you added the metal detectors.

???: Yes Sora. And that killer has something to do with you Sora.

Sora: What do you mean?

???: A boy named Jaxx is killing innocent people just to be with you. But don't worry Sora I'll keep you safe.

Sora: Jaxx would never kill people just for me.

???: Well I have a certain task for bestie. Since you're the Vice student council president and my childhood best friend I know you can do your job right.

Sora: What is it?

???: If you see Jaxx doing anything weird or holding anything let me know or pepper spray him. Otherwise if he comes near you push him out of your way okay?

Sora: But he hasn't done anything bad.

???: Do it or else I'll tell your mother about that thing you did in middle school.

Sora: You wouldn't.

???: Yes I would.

Sora: Fine.

???: Perfect. See you at my place after school.

Sora: Bye.

          °~{ A few hours later}~° 

Jaxx: Hey Sora.

Sora: Sorry Jaxx.

* Shoves*

Jaxx: Why did you just push me?

Sora: Because the students council president thinks you're a murderer and every time you come near me I have to push you.

Jaylnn: That's classic of her to do ever since her-

Jaxx: Hahahahahaha. You're funny Jaylnn.

Jaylnn: I didn't say anything funny.

Sora: Well anyways I gotta get going. My teacher wants to see me  for  .... some reason.

Jaxx: Okay bye Sora.

Jaylnn: You like him don't you?

Jaxx: What makes you think that?!

Jaylnn: Bro you're literally blushing right now. Actually, you blush uncontrollably every time you see Sora.

Jaxx: ....

Jaylnn: Don't worry I won't tell mom. Just tell me the truth. Do you have a crush on Sora?

❤~Love me~💙\\ Soraxx// inquisitormaster// Yandere AUWhere stories live. Discover now