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On the rooftop of Kamiyama High School.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"
"Alright, do you remember yesterday in SEKAI? When I accidentally said 'Love you?'"
"Yeah. Why are you bringing that up now...?"
"Well, I didn't mean to say it, but that doesn't mean it was a lie either."
"What are you saying?"
"*sigh* What I'm saying is... I love you, Toya."
"I- you- ...why? Why me?"
"Because you're nice, helpful, have an amazing voice, you're, um, more hot than I'm willing to admit, and you're awfully yet adorably dense. There's so much to like about you, but you don't realize it."
"Well... truth be told, I love you too, Akito."
"Wait. You actually...?"
"Yes. And, I don't know if you wanted me to ask this, or if you wanted to ask on your own but... Akito, will you be my boyfriend?"
"Yes! A million times yes!"
I grabbed the back of his head as he wrapped his arms around my waist, and we kissed. (I literally have no idea how to describe a kiss 😭😭😭) It felt good to know that he had mutual feelings. After that, we both went back home. I knew that if we wanted to do anything special, Ena would try to figure out what. And I don't need that a**hole ruining any of my dates with Toya.

bro im so sorry this is so short, after this is a timeskip because i don't even know. the time will skip to around the time rui and tsukasa get together in their fanfic by me so yeahh

akitoya fanfic from my notesWhere stories live. Discover now