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(This is literally what happened to me yesterday (9/25). I can't recall if there was any actual thunder, but it was raining so hard I'd like to think there was.)

*BOOM... fshhhhhh*

Akito's pov:

There's a thunderstorm. I'm stuck here with my sister and Mizuki because they were visiting. I can hear them from my room, being all weird and- are they talking about me and Toya?? Nevermind, I'm gonna stop eavesdropping. I was getting really bored when I got a call from Toya.

[Akito, Toya]

"Hello? 'Kito?"
"Hey there, Toya."
"Sure is raining hard, huh?"
"Yeah. Are you okay? I know you don't really like thunder."
"I'm fine. Oh, you know what?"
"I'm at your doorstep."
"You're at my doorstep...?"
"I am at your doorstep. Please open the door or I'll do it myself."
Akito lets Toya in.
"So, how has it been in your new home?"
"Definitely better than with my parents. I also like my new siblings better than my biological ones."
"That's good-"
*thunder cracks from the rainy, cloudy sky as Akito finishes his sentence or some shit*
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sure about that?"
"...not anymore."
"Sigh... I guess it can't be helped. C'mere!"
Akito hugs Toya with so much force that they fall backwards on his bed.
More thunder strikes outside, but the two are so happy together that they couldn't care less.
"This feels nice. Laying down with my boyfriend, the sound of rain despite the thunder. I like this feeling."
"Do you want some music?"
"If you're okay with it."
Imagine, if you will, Akito and Toya laying down on a bed. They're holding hands and sharing earbuds, while outside the window, you can see the rain falling and the people walking with their umbrellas and rain coats.
(I might draw this later on and add it, but it's not gonna be digital because I don't have a stylus to draw with. Instead, it's gonna be in my sketchbook and probably without color, but with multiple and quite visible yet erased mistakes. Also I can barely draw hands so I'm probably gonna mess the holding hands part up very badly.)
The room was quiet, the only noises being the rain hitting my window, me and Toya's breathing, and the music playing in the earbuds we were sharing. I was getting pretty tired, and Toya had already fallen asleep, so I turned the music off and looked for a place that Toya could sleep comfortably. Then, I thought:
Wait, he's my boyfriend. It's fine if we sleep in the same bed, right? I'm so smart.
So I covered Toya with a blanket and I slipped under it as well, then drifted off to sleep...

*singing of a flower playing in the background*
*camera shutter noises*

583 words! Sorry I haven't updated this in a while and that this is so short. Also don't ask why I put HYdrangea as the video. Apparently I started writing this on September 26th?? Anyways, it's almost the next day and I can never get enough sleep so I'm gonna make this quick. Do you guys want to do some sort of QnA or get to know the author or something? I don't really have it thought out and now that I think about it those are both technically the same thing. So basically, do you want to ask me questions to get to know me? damn that wasn't quick at all.

akitoya fanfic from my notesWhere stories live. Discover now