Pride x reader

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you were running. That's all you knew. You didn't know who you were, where you were, or even what you were running from. But the thing you knew was run and live. Yay had been your life for the past year, ever since a near fatal hit to the head with a mallet. You tripped on a tree root, and fell face first into the dirt, hitting your chin hard on the frosted ground. warm red blood was trickling down your face from your nose. You licked some of the blood off of your upper lip, and with trembling arms, hoisted yourself up to a push-up position. With legs aching, you stood up, and started to run again. With each step it was getting more exhausting to keep moving. You suddenly collapsed, one of your legs simply refusing to move any more. Your breathing became heavier, and heavier as black shadows, shadows that had sharp teeth, and staring red eyes. You sucked in your breath, and waited for one of them to strike. Instead you heard a child's voice... well, it sounded more like a chorus of children's voices... Anyway, the voice said "(y/n) why are you running from me?" A small boy stepped into view. You exhaled, and scrunched up your face. A memory came to you. You shakily got to your feet. "S-selim?!" The young boy smiled toothily. "Indeed. That is what the worms know me as. Young Selim Bradley." you felt confused "Humans? Selim... You're human as well, aren't you?" His mouth split into a wider grin "Oh, (y/n)... I thought you had already figured it out. I'm... A homunculus. I'm practically a god!" You blinked twice, and you then squealed like the fangirl you are. "Selim! I've always wanted a God for a boyfriend! Can you pleeeease be with me?!" A smirk came across his pompous features. "If it pleases you, of corse I will. You do know that you are a god yourself, correct?" You knit your eyebrows "dearest Selim, what are you talking about?" "When you hit your head on the Mallet years ago, that should have killed you. Instead, it just seemed to have mildly injured you. You are indeed a god. Come with me, and we shall be happy together." the last thing you did, was take his hand as the two of you disappeared into the night.

~D'awww!! That was so much fun to wriiiite!! /)^\\\^(\ Lemons are open depending on what pair of characters, depending on what I might do same-sex pairings.... Who knows?~


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