Envy x Male Reader (NSFW)

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Envy was smiling up at you, you placed a hand on his head with a gentle smile of your own. He/She/It had a small blush on it's face and looped its arms around you. It flashed his teeth in his small grin, something you were unaware of. He was rhythmically rubbing up against you, and you felt it. You blushed slightly, you guys in a crowded club at the time being. To answer the question in advance, no. you did not just meet. You have been  in a steady relationship for a while and jut happened to go out drinking that night, okay? 

Anyways, back to the story- he was grinding up against you, and a hot blush seized your cheeks. You looked around for the bar manager, knowing that there were rooms upstairs for situations exactly like this. You finally spotted him, talking to a couple, both drunk stupid. You rolled your eyes and then piked up Envy bridal style to ensure you wouldn't get separated. After bumping into many people, and having a few girls start drooling over you, you reached the manager of the bar. He had just finished talking to the (very) drunk couple, and you started to talk to him, setting envy down and while feeling your cheeks get hotter you moved your fingers so your thumb was pressed against your middle and pointer fingers, your ring finger and pinkie right next to your pointer and middle fingers, forming a circle kind of shape while you stuck your pointer and middle finger of your other hand together, pressing them into the empty space in the circle. The manager looked at you understandingly and led you two upstairs to a bedroom.

You were smirking and waltzed over with envy to the bed. in a swift movement you then pinned his hands above his head with one of your hands while you spread his legs open and knelt on top of his legs. He was blushing insanely now, and you kept your smirk. With your free hand you started undressing the pathetic mess below you.

Envy was a delicate shade of red by the time you were done with this and you then undressed yourself, Once you were completely nude, you kissed Envy's cheek  and murmured into his ear softly "You ready?" He mumbled out a soft "Yes" and spread his legs for you. In one quick movement you thrust into it. causing envy to cover it's mouth in pleasure to muffle some sounds. 

In a matter of minutes you were both panting and sitting next to eachother, forheads resting against one another as your arms lay around each other. He smiled wearily at you as he kissed your lips softly and you smiled.

~I don't even know, liek.... *Sighs loudly*~


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