Chapter 4

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Ray's POV
Me and Matt walk down stairs together down the the kitchen for breakfast.
"Where is Mary Lou?" I asked the triplets.
"She out of town right now for a trip," Nick replied while placing the eggs into my plate. We all walked over to the couch with our plates and turned on the TV.
"What do you guys wanna watch?" Asked Chris with the remote in his hand.
"Let's watch a horror movie," I suggested.
"No way!" Nick said snatching a remote out of Chris's hands
"Nick if you don't let us watch a horror movie I will unleash birds into your house," I said with a smirk on my face. Nick quickly searched up horror movies and pick one. The movie had started and I could tell all the triplets were already getting scared.
"RAY WHY DID YOU MAKE US WATCH THIS?" Chris yelled holding the blanket over his face. I just laughed at him. Nick was sitting on the end of the couch I was next to him and Matt was next to me and Chris was laying on the floor. The scary part came in the movie and Matt jumped causing him to spill his eggs.
"Matt!" I screamed laughing at him.
"SHOOT!" He screams scooping up all the eggs that I just spilt on the floor because he didn't want Trevor to get them. I was still laughing and so we're Nick and Chris. After Matt picked up all the eggs he came back to sit next to me.
"AHH," Chris screamed like a girl when the jump scare came. Matt was scared to and he put the blanket over his face so he don't have to watch.
"You all are such babies," I said laughing looking at all the boys with blankets over their heads.
"Well we just don't like scary movies," Chris said rolling his eyes. I just laughed. The movie finished and we all brought our empty egg plates into the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher.
"What do you guys want to do today?" I asked leaning up against the counter.
" Who wants to go shopping?" Nick asked.
"Me!" I yelled.
"Not me," Matt and Chris both replied.
"Well Matt me and Nick want to go which means you have to drive us," I said with my arms crossed with a smirk on my face. Matt didn't say anything he just rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys.The mall wasn't far away from the triplets house so it only took a few minutes to get there.
"I'll  text you when we're done shopping," I said to Matt closing the car door behind me. He nodded and drove off. I was starting to realize that Matt was being very short with me,  And I didn't know why. Me and Nick to walked into the mall as the automatic doors closed behind us.
"Is everything OK with Matt?" I asked Nick genuinely concerned.
" UM..." Nick started.
"Nick?" I said back to him seeing that there was something he wasn't telling me.
" Nick what's going on?" I asked again.
" I honestly don't know he just hasn't been acknowledging us and  talking to us a lot lately," Nick said shrugging.
"Is that all?" I questioned.
"I think so," Nick said still shrugging.
"Well let's go shop," I said as I made my way to all my store and Nick followed. We then went to the stores that Nick wanted to go to.
"I will call matt to come get us," I said to Nick pulling out my phone. "Hey Matt can you come get us now?" I asked.
"I'm on my way," Matt said as I hung up the phone. Nick and I waited outside until we saw the minivan pull up next to the curb. I got in the front seat and Nick got in the back. We both put our bags down on the floor.
"What did y'all get," Matt question to looking at all my bags.
"Just clothes," I replied looking back at Matt. The ride was quiet at home or we could hear was the music playing. When we pulled into the driveway Nick jumped out of the car with all of his bags. I think he really wanted to go try them on.
"Matt are you okay?" I asked Matt looking into his bright blue eyes.
"Mhm," he said not looking at me. I stopped walking which caused him to stop and look back at me.
"Matt?" I questioned looking at him again.
"Ray I said I'm fine," Matt said this time getting a little defensive.
"Okay, I believe you," I said even though I could tell something was up.

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