chapter 14

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Ray's pov

I have been pregnat for about 5 months and it was time for another altra sound.

"You ready?" Matt yelled from the car. i didn't reply and just walked outside. my belly bump was really starting to show. 

"Good luck," Chris said giving me a hug.

"Ya, keep us updated," Nick said waving at me as i left the front door. 
"I will call you when my altra sound is over," I yelled back from the car. matt was already waiting at my passanger seat door so he could open it for me.

We played music the whole way there. just because i was having a baby soon it doesnt mean i dont like to still have fun. Matt came over to my car door and opened it for me helping me out of the car.

"Matt i can get out of the car," I said laughing at him. i knew he just wanted to help me

"I know i just want to be able to help you and you to know that i'm here for you," Matt replied holding my hand as we walked into the hospital. we took the elevator up to the waiting room and i filled out some paperwork.

"Ms, Wilson," The doctor said as she waved us over to go into the room. 

"How are we doing today," The nurse asked.

"We're good and you?" I asked.

"I am doing okay, so you are here today for your 5th altra sound is that correct?"

"Yes it is,  and we would like to find out the gender today," I relpied.

"We can do that fir you today," The nurse said placing the jelly on my stomach. 

"What do you think it's going to be?" I asked matt

"A boy,"

"I think its going to be a girl," I repleid.

10 minutes later the nurse came back in.

"I have the gender of your baby," she said "would you like me to tell you know?" 

"yes please," Me and matt both looked at eachother and said.

"congragolations, you are having a girl!" The nurse said me and matt both got up and hugged eachother. we then signed all the paper work and left the hospital.
"We know if you having a niece or a nephew," I said to nick and chris other the facetime call. "Do w=you want me to tell you  know or wait until we get home?" i asked

"We will wait," Nick says after he looks at chris for approval. 

we pull into the driveway and i run into the house. 

"So are you going to tell us?" Chris asks looking at me and matt

Matt looks at me for approval to tell his brothers and i nodded my head. 

"We are having a baby girl!" Matt said with the biggest smile i had ever seen on his face.

"I' having a niece?" Nicked asked while chris was jumping around hugging me and matt. 

"I am so happy for you guys," Nick said giving us both hugs.

"I need to keep this baby healthy guys, so i am going to be sleeping a lot more and watching what i eat," I told the boys.

"What ever you need to do to keep the baby healthy, but make sure you are staying safe too," Chris said holding my hands.

"I will," i replied.

it was only 7:00pm but i was really tired and wanted to go to bed. 
" I am going to get some rest guys goodnight," I said giving them all hugs and walking up the stairs. Matt followed close behind me.

"SO hun," Matt said as he went to sit on the bed as i got into my pjs.

"Yes?" I asked 

"I think we need to buy a house together," He said looking up from the floor. "I mean we are having a kid together and we need more space for a baby because this house isn't big enough and we need to have the baby be quiet and not wake everyone else in the house up," Matt said looking into my eyes.

"I totally agree," i said rolling into the bed and falling asleep in his arms.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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