chapter 5

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Me and Ray were walking back into the house and she kept asking me if i was okay. the truth was i wasen't okay. i didn't know how i felt about her. over the past year i have been feeling more drawn to her. i have always loved her in a friendship kind of way. i was trying to distance myself from her because i didn't want my feelings for her to grow. i didn't know if my feelings where really love feelings or not.
" hey do you know what's wrong with Matt?" I heard Ray whisper to Chris.
"Um..." Chris started and looked at me and saw that I was watching them. Reagan looked up and saw me and looked down at the floor.
" Ray can you come here for a second?" I asked her. She didn't say anything she nodded and followed me up to my room. I close the door behind her and locked it.
"Why do you keep asking everybody if I'm OK, I already told you I was fine," I said staring at her. But she wasn't looking at me she was embarrassed I could tell. She was just staring at the floor.
"I'm just worry about you Matt's," she said. She knew that nickname gets me every time.
" you don't need to worry about me, I am OK," I replied to her so she wouldn't worry.
" Matt I've known you for such a long time I know when you're lying to me," she said looking up at me.
" OK you want the truth?" I asked her. She didn't say anything and just nodded
" I don't know how I feel about you, I just need some space from you," I said to her. Now she was staring at me and I was the one looking down at the floor embarrassed. she didn't say anything but I could tell she was sad. She unlocked my door and walked downstairs. I could hear her in my brothers talking.
"What happened?" I heard Chris ask her.
" nothing I think I just need to go home," she replied and I could hear her sniffling.
"Let let's walk with you," I could hear Nick say.
" no guys just let me walk back to my house alone," she said still sniffling. I heard her open the door and then it closed. I went and laid on my bed just looking up at my ceiling thinking about what I just did. Was it the right decision? Did I do the right thing? Did I hurt her? I had so many questions. I heard Nick and Chris running up the stairs.
" what did you tell her?" Nick asked standing in my doorway with his arms crossed.
" I just told her that I needed some space from her," I replied. I looked over at Nick and Chris answer both of their mouths wide open.
" you did what!?" Chris asked walking over to where I was laying. I didn't say anything.
"You better apologize," Nick said also walking into my room.
"For What? Telling her I need space," I questioned.
"Matt I think you really hurt her she walked out of our house crying," Chris said to me.
"I-I didn't mean to make her cry," I said picking up my nails. Chris and Nick  don't know I pick out my nails when I'm nervous on the Ray does.
"Well you better make her feel better," Nick said as him and Chris got up and left my room. I was left alone again in my rooms to stare at the ceiling just thinking.
Ray I'm really sorry

Matt what you said really hurt me

I said I was sorry

Matt I can't forgive you just like that!

Read 8:59 pm

I like how about was apologizing. But I don't think I could forgive him that easily. What he said it really hurt me because over the past few months I think I started developing a crush on him. But I could never be with him because we've been best friends for such a long time. And if anything were to happen I can't put our friendship on the line. It would just never work out between us.

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