Chapter 2: Reputation:

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The next day the boys move in Christopher apologises for his son I forgave him even though I'm still Uncomfortable around his son.
On Monday, I tried to avoid him at School and at HOME. I couldn't risk him rapping again. Time passed by and it's was lunchtime I joined Leana, my bestie, at our usual table.
" Girl why you didn't tell you slept With Jackson Jones. I can't believe you hid such a thing from me. Come On spill the tea."
"WHAT?" All eyes in the cafeteria turned on me. I lowered my voice: " who the hell told you I slept with that JERK ?"
"Rumours are all over the building. They started this morning in my English class Jackson was talking with Luck Dawnson about the weekend he spent with you especially the night. And he mentioned that you were very hot that night in a red short V-neck dress..." Lea (short for Leana) explained.
Speaking of the devil here is he stepping In the cafeteria with his friend. Yay.
" So doll, what do you think about our night?" he whispered in my ear.
" Our night? You tried to rappe Me you jerk!" I answered repeating the events in my head. I started trembling, a tear slipped of my eye. I left the cafeteria Lea after me.
"Hey!! STOP PLEASE!" she was breathing heavily," What do you mean by "raped me" ? Hey look at me you know you can trust me if you wanna take about it I'm here."
"My mom is dating that man" I started " he is Jackson father, they moved in with us since the weekend. I was showing him his room when he locked me with him and blocked me. He started Touching me" I tear up "he rapped me. I screamed until mom and Christopher his dad arrived and pushed him of me. I still have nightmares about the scene. Lea I am terrified now that he is Living with us he will use me I can't push him away he's stronger and a player with experience."
"Shshsshhh. I am here. It's okay. If you want you can come and Stay with me as long as you want. My apartment Has a spare room." She proposed I nodded.
Lunchtime has finished I joined class. Once in, Merla, the gossip girl, came to me: " Back of Jackson he is mine. How dare you sleep withe him he's my boyfriend. One more step and I am gonna ruin your reputation." She said
"keep your man for yourself. I didn't sleep with him and I won't. He's my stepbrother . And for your own Information he rapped me and force me to sleep with him and still I didn't. You should watch your man I don't Want my house to turn into A strip Club." I told her.
Hopefully the teacher entered the classes and started her boring lesson.
The whole school day, students from all classes kept looking and staring at me like If I was the only person that matters now .UGHH I'm gonna kill Jackson for that. Like I needed a dirty reputation. My old one suited me.

Like every Monday, I went to Leana so we can study together.
We were silencely working until Lea interrupted that silence:
"Claire, why didn't you call me and told me about the whole Jackson situation in the weekend."

"Umm maybe 'cause I was shocked and I didn't know what to do. And maybe 'cause a situation like that can't be tell over the phone."

"Yeah right. So what you're planning on doing now."

"Just ignore him and my best to avoid him."

"If he apologies will you forgive him."

"I don't know. His dad apologized and I accepted them."

"Oh okay then. Let's just finish that essay and we will talk about boys later."

"Boys  ooh who's your lucky boy."

"Oh shut up Claire. Like I said we will take about it later."


"Claire Guesse what??"

"What Lea?"

"You are no fun! God should've just guessed. I got asked out!!!!" Lea squealed. 

"OMG. I can't believe it. wow that"s wonderful. who's the boy."

"It's ... Luke. Luke Dawnson''

"Like in Jackson's Friend"

"Just like in Jackson"s Friend. If you want I can decline his invitation..."

"No it's fine. Just hope he isn't like his friend."

A/N: Another chapter in less than a week. yay. BTW I won't be able to uplaod a lot because of school and stuff but I will try to upload weekly. Thank. any comment. Thanks for the reads.


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